PARYING HARD, tequilla train (choo choo) playing with my spiders and lizards and my dogs, beating up my boyfriend, EATING LARGE AMOUNTS OF CHOCOLATE!!!!!!!, getting tattoos
i loved camping with my parents as a child and family vaccations
i love spending time with my girlfreind,love racing motocross and playing with my pythons, i also love goin to new zealand and goin pig hunting catching big boars wid my dogs and duck shooting,oh and i love goin out to HI NRG clubs in sydney and raves.
NRG hey
there isnt many places for that here in brisbane sean its a shame!
iv cooled it a bit on the club side of things but when i was livin at the gold coast i cant remeber sleeping for some reson 8)
hey afro i work at a petrol station, im nightshift manager and unfortunetly that includes doing 2 graveyards a week at least, 11pm-7am shift, its good on wednesday as i get to look in the trading post at 5am and find any good bargains.