Fears over 'cane toads in a shell'

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Very Well-Known Member
May 25, 2004
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i think they are pretty. but if your stupid enough to introduce a species, you should have your house raided.
Gosh... I don't get why people would deliberately introduce something into our ecosystem that will simply destroy everything good and native... grr... but it is kinda cute in an ugly sort of way :?
I don't think they are ugly, but what I do think is this is yet another nail in the door for anyone out there who thinks we'll ever be able to legally obtain exotic reptiles in this country. Sadly some people just can’t be trusted with those sorts of responsibilities.

That said, I'm off to Blackburn Lake this weekend to get me some Red Eared Sliders :lol: (jokes)
I used to own a pair of red earred terrapins (in NZ) where they're perfectly legal and no license restrictions. I purchased them for $50 the pair and they grew big very quickly and were the best pets I have ever owned!

I would get them again, obviously not in australia, they were friendly, and easy to look after and they were always entertaining!

Anyhow, it's a shame to see that they're a pest here. Cane toads with shells aye...
I kept heaps in NZ as well , there a nice turtle - but not when they are dumped in an envioment there not native to.


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I kept heaps in NZ as well , there a nice turtle - but not when they are dumped in an envioment there not native to.

There's got to be one or two advantages to having frosts or average winter daytime temps of 5'C!
i know a girl that bought 4 from a PET SHOP on the central coast,....!!

tehy are nice looking, but obviously shouldnt be here.
i know a girl that bought 4 from a PET SHOP on the central coast,....!!

tehy are nice looking, but obviously shouldnt be here.

a pet shop? i h8 most pet shops. the one i went 2 the other day had dirty fish tanks, and all their animals looked very sad and sick :( about the turtles, its sad ppl think our eco sysytem is like a pet dump. it cant handle it!
yeah petshop, she got the 4 for $1000 instead of $350 each.

i just wouldnt have thought a petshop would sell illegal stuff, with the amount of people that walk thru them it would be so easy to get busted!! then again, i dont know if its even legal to sell turtles in petshops in NSW at all,...

i hate places with dirty fish tanks, it dosent really inspire me to buy anythign seeing the dead and dying ones in there,...
, i dont know if its even legal to sell turtles in petshops in NSW at all,...
yeah Chris1, you can't sell turtles commercially in NSW- not sure about the other states though. I think it's a good policy, as I agree with other people who have made comments about pet shops- they aren't good! I got my little dog from a pet shop simply cos I felt sorry for it being cooped up in a cage (oh and he is gorgeous). But the number of times I've told the people working there that they have dead fish in their tanks is just ridiculous. And they're always just like: "oh yeah whatever... I'll get them out later" :x
Anyway that's my little rant!
teenage mutant hard core toads! soon they'll deliver our pizza's, they're taking over qld
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