feeding dog food to your reptiles?.. please read

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Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2005
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near Bundaberg QLD
i just grabbed this from another forum..

Tuesday night I fed all my Dogs Dry biscuits, bread and Canned food.( I cant say the make)

My Daughter was just released from Hospital so the Canned food was a quick easy fix.

Wednesday Morning 4 of my dogs had upset tummies but were still themselves.
Wednesday night my 9 month old was not herself and everyone was a little quiet, so I consulted my vet and we put them on Buscapan and electrolytes.

Thursday morning as usual I got up at 6.00 O'clock to run my dogs. I found 2 Dead 1 almost Dead. 1 a little bit wobbly and the rest O.K. from the time I hooked up the float loaded up the car and trailer they were getting worse.
My Vet and his Nurses were overwhelmed 2 Died at there Surgery and in a matter of minutes another was going down. 4 were left. I drove down to Brisbane to the
Vet specialists as my Vet said "he didn't have the resources to deal with something like this.

When I arrived they were waiting for me. another one was
already dead and 1 more had gone down fast its now Friday I'm numb Angry and totally Pd off with the World.
I have Tia ( Ch Cathkin Luvly to lookat)
Shim (Mazarelli Lookno Hi R ) left.

may we all Pray for him and her.

The Autopsy has provided us with why this has happened and all I can say----------------- because I am taking this Legally further and so are the Vets.




will post more info as it comes up.
Thats nice...I feed my dogs canned food, never had a problem..Did this happen in Aussie, what was the brand, what was the cause.
Maybe the next door neigbour baited the dogs cause they were all yappy.
Maybe its a new way to blackmail large organisations..
"Dont know about Dog food, but the lizards love Cat food (less crude fat)- Whiskas, chicken and turkey jelly mix, mmmmm....including various live foods......all the small monitors have a standard daily mix; egg and biscute mix, real egg, insectavore and herpavite powder, so theres something available all the time, great for administering wormer etc.....i have been concerned about the possibility of a bad batch, hope not, i'd freak!!!"
sorry it took me so long to get back, my puter crashed..good thing everyone was wearing their seatbelts. no injuries :wink:

what ort of dogs also, sounds like a kennel

yes she did run a kennel, breeding collie dogs (lassie)
maybe never had canned or dry food before (fussy yap yaps) likely fed mince n stuff. Ate a great deal of dry food(i imagine) which expanded and ruptures stomachs. Ive seen dogs been starved fed too much and rupture there stomachs fatally.
bobcox49 yes it did happen in aus, the breeder also immediatly thought the dogs were baited but an autopsy showed this not to be the case and infact the canned food was the cause.


Botulism is a rare but serious paralytic illness caused by a nerve toxin. Symptoms of botulism include double vision, blurred vision, drooping eyelids, slurred speech, difficulty swallowing, dry mouth, and muscle weakness. The illness can cause paralysis, respiratory failure and death. Symptoms usually occur from 18 to 36 hours after eating contaminated food. Anyone concerned about an illness should contact a physician.
sorry it took me so long to get back, i was waiting for an email so i could give you links to the forum where all the details were posted.


you have to join to read the forums though.

last i heard the breeder only ghas one dog left surviving.

just copied this for you

My Dogs had Hemoriged in the gut I'm sure there's a Vet term for it there kidney's did not fail.They were bleeding from the mouth and bottom.

I rang the company earlier before the Autopsy was through just to give them a heads up got some silly xxxxx on information line.
Not interested at all until I mentioned I've still got the can the docket and we are testing the can as well
as having the Autopsy.
She didn't take my Number only asked the batch No. and
wiped me off.

The Autopsy clearly states High bacteria in meat. For someone to bait a dog they would have to rot the meat for weeks and feed them individually one by one for them to consume the amount.

The Vet is the one that said to me" it was the Canned meat", we need to stop this from happening again.

When Mary my Vet got the results of the Autopsy she tried to ring them they had gone for the weekend, she even got onto the internet and Emailed them to bring to there attention the results.
I am afraid ties back to them. I ve never seen a Vet get so angry but she's the one that's been with them trying to keep them alive.

I'm sure there's Vet/ Chemistry terms for all that is happening but this is
plain English for me.

for anyone who is interested in which brand of dog food it is a chicken variety..
Feed dogs on tuesday canned meat.
Dogs die thursday / friday and autopsy shows high levels of bacteria in meat?
Funny that, I think anything that sits in a dogs stomach for 2-3 days is gonna have high levels of bacteria.
i dont know.. i just thought anything that could potentially put anyones animals at risk is worth a mention :)
Do you have an actual diagnosis??. Unfortunately from what you have described I can think of a half dozen possible diseases, some of which could concievably be caused by a problem with canned food but many that are not. I would suggest that until you ACTUALLY have a specific disease on a path report in front of you that scare mongering is not helping anybody. I do however understand that you are upset over your losses.
What sort of canned dog food was it? I want to know so I can get some and make a nice meat pie and give it to our friendly natives in our street.
I don't mean to sound blase about this but forum propaganda is rarely correct. We (as vets) are still feeling the effects of a woman who posted a comment on a forum about 3 years ago stating that x brand of vaccine killed all of her dogs. This information was spread around every single dog forum within weeks. The actual cause of death was investigated and found to be due to parasite infections in the disgraceful kennels in which these dogs were kept. We still have at least one breeder each month that asks for us to use "the other brand". My point is that because these types of forums are not necessarily scrutinised by people that may clarify an issue, often stories can be maintained without a scrap of evidence. Repeating this information on another forum then just passes on the misinformation. Its like a nasty chain letter. There are dozen of other urban veterinary myths that are maintained on forums. I would like if it is possible for Zard to keep an eye out for the message that actually says "the path report shows a diagnosis of ........". Once we have a diagnosis I am happy to comment on whether or not this disease is relevant to reptiles or not.
No name brand dog food, no name brand vet and no name brand story. Need a bit more than that to convince me. If it is true Im sorry for their loss but I doubt all six dog would be fed from one can which would leave me to believe foul play. Also the time period is too short. The incubation period for botulism is more than just overnight.
geckodan, they are not my losses dear they are someone elses who is currently fighting a court case over this.. she has all the info.. i felt it prudent that people here were aware there was a bad batch of dog food on the market only thinking of the loss/damage to people here if it happened to them.
lol.. ok i give up.. i posted this with the intention(thought through not just off the bat) of enabeling people to make their own decisions.. that is why i posted links to the origional forum.. no more said by me about it and maybe this will disapear.
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