Fighting Beardies

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New Member
Dec 24, 2008
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Hey guys and girls,

Firstly Merry Xmas to all.

Now to my problem. I have 2 female beardies who over the last 2-3 days have started fighting on a regular basis. They will only stop fighting if i intervene. When they are apart they begin digging.

Can someone tell me what to do? So far they are still eating live food, but leaving their vegetables. I have now seperated them and they continue to dig.

As always your help is greatly appreciated.


A Beardie Noob
you will need to split them up. get them there own enclosures. about the digging sounds like they are going to lay there egg's. have they been with a male??
how old are they? could they be gravid? if so they sound like they are wanting to lay eggs soon.... Or it could be they aren't getting enough food to eat......
Digging can be caused from; stress, egg laying, or brumation. It seems very odd 2 girls are at it that much. Can you please detail how they are fighting. ie; Is one jumping on the other and biting at the back of the neck? or are they biting at the base of their tails, going around in circles?? Are you 100% they are girls?...either way, they need to be set up seperately.
They are chasing each other in circles and biting the base of the tails.

I am fairly sure they are both girls, i had the person that sold me check when they turned 1 in October this year.

As for food, there is always lots of vegies available, and they were given extra crickets this week.

As for laying eggs, they have never been with a male since they were hatchlings.
they still could have eggs they just wont be fertile(spelling??) my EWD layed eggs last night and she was never with a male
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