Finally got an RSP

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Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2012
Reaction score
Gold Coast
Been meaning to throw some pics up for ages. Now I have an awesome excuse. I finally got a roughie. Shes awesome just gotta push the enclosure along now, not that shes big enough for it yet. While im here i might as well put up some of my woma and my coastalIMG_9125.jpg.IMG_9134.jpgIMG_9154.jpgIMG_9150.jpgView attachment 266589
Very nice snakes, this is a very noob question, but does the Rough Scaled Python have a different feel to it then other snakes like womas and carpets?
Is that one of yommys Womas? I got mine from him as well, great guy with some great looking snakes.
Yea it sure is one i got off Yommy, hes got attitude but is awesome lol and the atm the roughys scales dont feel that different but ive felt an adult one before and they definately have a harder/rougher feel to them.
I felt yommys RSPs while I was picking up my Woma, they feel like hard little beads and less smooth/glossy than a normal snake. My Woma from yommy hissed and coiled up for the first week or so but calmed right down. I just fed her yesterday and she was doing the full tail wagging, one of the best things to watch a Hatchy do.
yea same here, he was great to deal with and has a pretty cool collection. mine hasnt really calmed down he still doesnt like anything that moves too quickly near him n coils up n strikes but its just cute now, havnt seen the tail wagging either mines quite shy about eating while anyones around.
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