First shed - Help I don't know what I'm doing

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Not so new Member
Oct 24, 2018
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Hey all, so my 10 month old stimsons is going into his first shed since Ive owned him. He's a lot duller and his eyes are becoming kinda cloudy. He isn't fully in blue yet but any recommendations of what to do in regards to handling and things like that.
No handling or feeding during the whole process

Handling causes extra stress during this “hideaway” period+ they have almost 0 eyesight during the cloudy eyes, and they are very bitey (imagine being blind and someone tapped you)

No feeding as there have been a few instances where they shed has been caught on the bulge of a snake body

It can take anywhere from a week after the blue eyes go back to normal to 2/3 weeks for the slough(fancy term for shed) process to begin, and will take a very short time

Just hold off on anything Untill the shed comes
I usually cover the tank up with a towel to give them privacy while getting changed

Quick tips:

Provide a rough surface - this can help them get the skin off the tip of their mouth easier for the start

I usually bump the humidity up SLGHTLY (can either give a quick spray of lukewarm water around the enclosure, or buy putting a container of warm water in - science will take care of the rest)

When the shed is off you are free to go back to normal routine, however their new scales will be quite soft and can be damaged easily

Check the shed for eye caps (pretty Much these develop during the cloudy eyes phase) and can cause problems if they don’t come off - since you are new, you will need someone to help get them off , however 99% of time they will come off during the shed.

That’s it that I can think of off top of my head :) I’ll add more if I can think of any
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No handling or feeding during the whole process

Handling causes extra stress during this “hideaway” period+ they have almost 0 eyesight during the cloudy eyes, and they are very bitey (imagine being blind and someone tapped you)

No feeding as there have been a few instances where they shed has been caught on the bulge of a snake body

It can take anywhere from a week after the blue eyes go back to normal to 2/3 weeks for the slough(fancy term for shed) process to begin, and will take a very short time

Just hold off on anything Untill the shed comes
I usually cover the tank up with a towel to give them privacy while getting changed

Quick tips:

Provide a rough surface - this can help them get the skin off the tip of their mouth easier for the start

I usually bump the humidity up SLGHTLY (can either give a quick spray of lukewarm water around the enclosure, or buy putting a container of warm water in - science will take care of the rest)

When the shed is off you are free to go back to normal routine, however their new scales will be quite soft and can be damaged easily

Check the shed for eye caps (pretty Much these develop during the cloudy eyes phase) and can cause problems if they don’t come off - since you are new, you will need someone to help get them off , however 99% of time they will come off during the shed.

That’s it that I can think of off top of my head :) I’ll add more if I can think of any

Also check the tip of the tail, that’s another spot where shed can be stuck.
If it is, soak the tip of the tail in lukewarm water, it will soften the dead skin so it can be removed easier. Damp cloth can be used to gently rub it off.
Also check the tip of the tail, that’s another spot where shed can be stuck.
If it is, soak the tip of the tail in lukewarm water, it will soften the dead skin so it can be removed easier. Damp cloth can be used to gently rub it off.

Thanks thats helpful
Pretty much just leave it be until it has shed. There’s nothing you need to do as long as it’s husbandry needs are met.
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