Yes I said scrutinise advise from all people pre 2010. That includes the likes of me for sure. I still refer to myself as a noob. Anyone with less than 15 years of keeping is a noob.... Generally people with an interest and knowledge were chatting on forums a long before 2010. Like pythoninfinite for example. Don't get bent out of shape. It's just an observation. It's just a shame a lot of the other experience left because people got offended or upset when they gave real advice that wasn't to many new keepers liking. There are a lot of over night experts. And that was the point was was conveying. Nothing personal to you, I've never even seen you on here till right now.
We often find aggressive people with new accounts are people that have been banned previously. I guess the fact someone here before 2010 means they have played by the APS rules and not been banned for longer than it takes to do most apprenticeships