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Not so new Member
Sep 24, 2013
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Wellington, NSW, Australia,
Hi everyone! I wanted to get your opinions on which python would be best for a first time owner. I have owned a turtle and a bearded dragon before but no snakes.
i was thinking either a children's python or an eastern small blotched python. I would probably need a snake that is around 1.3 metres and a placid temperament. It would be nice to get a snake with beautiful or more prominent patterns and colours.

thanks everyone for your help!

I'd go for a woma ;) tanami woma's are smaller, usually no bigger than 1.5m rather cute as well. My little girl(moccona) loves to be held, as soon as I open or even go near the enclosure she's ready to get out :) Otherwise I'd get the children's.
[FONT=arial, sans-serif]Spotted pythons or children's pythons are great snakes for first timers, easy to look after too. [/FONT]
spotted pythons are great usually only get about a meter maybe 1.5 meters on a rare occasion.

and come in awesome patterns and colours. normal, blonde, albino, and granite im sure there is more these are just the ones I know of. and are very easy to care for
I'm Bout to get my first snake on Thursday, and he is a children's pythons!!!
if that helped you ahAhahAh
with no age given I will assume you are young ish so I think that a stimson 's would be best suited to you . small and as friendly as a Labrador. , yes its a little under you're 1;3 mts but also think of the savings on feed when it grows up . there is a lot of variation in them so the price varies a bit .

good luck .
Thanks everyone for replying! I'm just wondering about the price of an albino woma, spotted or children's python and weather they have any feeding or health problems if they are albino.
By the way, I'm 13 :)

There is no albino woma, though i would recommend a woma as a first snake, that was my first snake
There are no albino womas currently for sale although apparently they do exist. An albino spotted is around $8000 +??? And children, not sure about true albinos but you can get a T+ for a few grand???
I'd go a Woma simply because I love their personality and think they're a little different to an Ant which are very common starter snakes. In saying this, my first was a carpet python and he's gorgeous however a little big for what you were wanting.
If I'm not mistaken Boodarie Womas are the smallest locale and are from WA. Yommy on here has some absolute stunners. He's pretty much the Woma guy of APS. Have a look at the following threads. See what takes your fancy.

Just be careful with Woma's as some, like the SA locale can hit 2m

Best of luck :)
Best value for money is def the bredlis they are so placid and somewhat docile. Just picked three the other week and hands down best snakes I've owned.
Bredlis are stunning and a great python even as a first however he did ask for something around 1.3 meters. Bredlis are a fair sized snake often reaching well over 2m.
Bredlis are stunning and a great python even as a first however he did ask for something around 1.3 meters. Bredlis are a fair sized snake often reaching well over 2m.

Yeah, aside from size though(most getting well over 2.5, and nearer to 3m in captivity) Bredli really can't be beat if you want something instead of Ant's and don't want to spend as much on say a Woma...
Yeah, aside from size though(most getting well over 2.5, and nearer to 3m in captivity) Bredli really can't be beat if you want something instead of Ant's and don't want to spend as much on say a Woma...

Are womas more expensive? I paid 400 for my hatchie woma and 300 for my hatchie jungle. I thought that was a pretty standard price for pythons?
Yeah sorry guys I was browsing with on the phone so missed half of it lol. Well I bought my bredlis all three for 250 so you can really get fantastic deals. All ssnakes came with rap sheets and all or maybe I was just lucky. Where Abouts are you living because I would be more than happy to show you mine.
Are womas more expensive? I paid 400 for my hatchie woma and 300 for my hatchie jungle. I thought that was a pretty standard price for pythons?

Most hatchie Bredli sell at about $100-$150. They're a very common species due to their perfect nature as first pythons. Also the fact they tend to have much larger clutches than most other Morelia, with 30-50 eggs per clutch not uncommon...

I picked up my first a couple of years ago for $180 as a sub-adult, and another m/f pair not long after that for $260...
Hey guys, thanks for all the help!

i have been thinking that either a stimson or a spotted python would be pretty good. Would someone be able to help me with pricing for these snakes? That would be great! Thanks!

If you want something better to look at out of the 2, get a nice stimsons
Both similar price range but I would steer towards the stimsons for the nice colour range at the lower end of the price scale, saying that both have nice varieties.
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