First Time As Dinner

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Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2014
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So after over 13 years of keeping I got my first 'mistaken for food chomp and coil' experience today.
It was 35+ degrees here today and my 7ft female water python, who is a bit of a nutter and shed overnight, was cruising around like a motor was up her butt.
I was changing her water and cleaning out the slough and all of a sudden BAM!!! nailed me right on the pinky knuckle/side palm and threw coils in about a half a second.
It was my fault I'm sure as I had eaten chicken beforehand, and though I thought I'd washed thoroughly I guess she could still smell traces on my hand.
Took me a good ten minutes to get her off as she wasn't letting me out of her jaws, and being a water python she wasn't fussed about being under the running water haha, but eventually she let go. Surprisingly she wasn't squeezing too tightly through all of this, no red hand or cut circulation at all, though far too strong for me to uncoil her. There was a fair bit of blood as she seemed to be chewing me a little, but stopped as soon as she was off.
I've been bitten a heap in the past so not too painful all up, but quite frustrating when you have that sense of just being awkwardly stuck for a while haha.

Anyone else had similar experiences? What kind of snake, how'd you go and what was the damage? Would be a fun topic to discuss I think.
Had the same happen with a spotty I thought was still on hunger strike was moving furniture snuck up and bam got little finger and wrapped around my hand.
Only time our woma has latched on was my own stupid fault as well, tried to pick her up when she was due for a feed, thankfully was only small still but one strong girl.

Have accidently scared her a couple of times by her not realising I was there due to poor lighting or being asleep when I approached the tank, have usually got to leave her alone for a couple of hours before going near the tank again after that happens otherwise she'll just stay defensive and keep trying to strike at you through the glass.
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