First time Lizard..

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Active Member
Mar 9, 2009
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Hey all, I'm looking at getting a lizard. I have done a little research and the central bearded dragon sounds like a good lizard to start with. What are your thoughts on this? Remember I'm new to lizards and just starting out.

Cheers Tom
Mmm beardies are somewhat difficult as a beginners lizard, personally i'd recommend a lace monitor, doesn't get too big, dog tame and cheap.
Or a Blue Tongue, but if you have the time and do your research, a Beardy is a good choice
Mmm beardies are somewhat difficult as a beginners lizard, personally i'd recommend a lace monitor, doesn't get too big, dog tame and cheap.


Beardies are pretty much the perfect beginner lizard. If you want something with a little more "personality" I'd suggest an Ackie but if you want something you can pet and walk around with on your shoulder then yeah definitely the Beardie
central bearded dragons are a perfect starter reptile. TeKnO was being sarcastic in regards to them being difficult.
I started in the Uk with leopard geckos (VERY easy) and a Beardie. No major issues as long as you have someone to ask questions of.
Thank you guys for the advice, I will be getting the enclosure in the next week, I was wondering are large fish tanks ok to keep central bearded dragons in?? also How would I go about heating the tank?

Cheers guys.
Dragons do best with a nice bright basking spot. I use a nice cheap halogen r50 spot, the wattage varies with the time of year. Also they need uv I use a 18w 5.0 uv tube. Some people use a MVB globe as these give out heat light and uv all in one, but can be tricky to set up as you need to get the wattage right to suit your enclosure and the ambient temperature of your reptile room to make sure you don't either overheat or under heat your dragons. MVBs don't work too well with thermostats. As for the fish tank, I would sell if and buy/make a dedicated reptile enclosure.
Something with ventilation on the sides of the tank like a proper reptile enclosure is preferred for dragons.
Use a 10.0 rating uvb tube not a 5.0
Get a basking spot with a 75-100w globe and make sure the basking spot is from 40-45 degrees celcius.
Ok, good getting some info on lamps to use.. Are you guys using thermostats?

Cheers for the help guys
Thermostats = usually a must.
Fish tanks are no good, check ebay etc for 2nd hand enclosures, they go for very cheap and usually come with most starter accessories, make sure you f10 any used gear though

- ybn
Thermostat is good to use with a heat mat or ceramic heat emitter but not a basking globe it will be on and off driving your lizard crazy. I don't use one with my enclosure, try using a 60w bulb and then bring it closer or further away from the basking spot in order to get the perfect temp. Then providing your room has no ventilation on hot days just lift the globe a few inches higher and you will be sweet. If you have a good temp gradient in your enclosure (no reason why u wouldn't with a reptile enclosure) the dragon will choose where he or she needs to be. :)
Cheers for all the info guys I am taking it on board.. How come a fish tank is no good? I have watched heaps of youtube vids and other vids on the net and everyone has there beardies in fish tanks.

cheers guys.
I think it depends on how you set your heating up though. I have monitors in a large fish tank because they get a basking lamp that stays on all day so ambient temp isn't a big issue. I wouldn't house a python in that style enclosure though. I would think a beardie would be perfectly happy in a similar setup to a monitor just with a power basking spot temp
Centrals are great, mind sit and watch TV with me, walks in the garden and the kids play with them, bluies can have a rather nasty bite on them when they get a bit bigger
I think it depends on how you set your heating up though. I have monitors in a large fish tank because they get a basking lamp that stays on all day so ambient temp isn't a big issue. I wouldn't house a python in that style enclosure though. I would think a beardie would be perfectly happy in a similar setup to a monitor just with a power basking spot temp

Thank you for the reply, do you keep the basking lamp on at night? or just during the day?
i have 2 bearded dragons and theyre the best pets. feel free to message me to ask any questions. fish tanks are fine, but you need so much stuff for them to climb on eg: rock wall, dry treated timber logs, rocks, hidey holes. plus fish tanks dont have a mesh roof. you would be better off either buying a cheap tank and buying mesh and make a lid or just buy an enclosure made for lizards. feel free to ask any lizard related questions if you want to ask me, my dragons are perfectly happy ad do not bite
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