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Active Member
Feb 14, 2012
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Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, Australia
I have fleas in my carpet all of a sudden we have gone from non to hundreads i vacume the house on a daily basis now tieing up the vacume bag after use in a sealed bag we have flead all the dogs & cats seems like my room is the worst and i dont even let the cats or dogs in. how could i get rid of them can i lay flea powder on the floor and vac it up in a few days, bomb the room with a pesticide or wait it out with the flea stuff on the dogs and cats and keep vacuming on a daily basis to every 2 days. my room is the warmest in the house along with being lit basicly 24/7 with all my tanks should i also stop letting out my ewd to roam the room with the fleas in the carpet all i have to do is for example put on my shoes and ill find 1-3 on my legs all of a sudden or place a water bowl on floor and find 1 in it. also are they any bad for the snakes.
any advice would be helpful thanks. this isnt the first time we have battled with these guys but we didnt have carpet at the other house and im a little concerned about them with all the snakes and my ewd running around.
Mate seriously the best thing to do would be call a pestie, they all use products (they should do anyway) that are safe for your reptilian friends and registered for use in hospitals and schools etc. Fleas can get out of hand very quickly and will try to feed on your scaley friends blood if there is a chance. I am a Pest Control business owner on the Mid North Coast of NSW and I know how hard it can be to control these little blighters. Do not use "bombs" as they get into everything, you need a controlled application by a profesional
We once got fleas in our lounge room you could see them jumping everywhere was that bad. Dog wasn't aloud inside only got in a few times. This was when I was younger....used that aldi pest killer spray used about 2 cans bam no fleas within minutes, Mum was impressed apart from the room had to air out overnight. Job done but you'd have to take out all your pets so better to get someone with pet friendly stuff... Probably a professional but even then poison is poison.
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