flooring of cage??? and other questions

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Not so new Member
Dec 20, 2011
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Am trying to work out what flooring to put on the bottom of my cage, i want it to be easy cleaning so i can minimise the smell. Have noticed that there is quite a pong in cage even with daily removal of faeces. currently i have the fake grass as i was told them being young you have to be careful of other substrates (they are 17-18 weeks old), i have 6 pigmy dragons, tomorrow they are getting separated into two tanks so keen to hear of flooring choices. am thinking of vinal flooring or slate....thoughts?? Also fed them meal worms with heads cut off the other day and when they reappeared the other end they looked the same as they went in....is this normal? other food looks digested properly. I cant seem to get them to eat any other vegies besides peas at the moment any suggestions....well thats it for now, bound to be more later hahaha

I'm using fake grass n there's no smell

Is there a good air flow ?

How often do you wash the grass ?

I'd go with Lino Not sure if that's the right spelling. Know a few people who use it the breeder I got my lizzys off use it.

If I build a enclosure I'm gonna line the bottom with tiles. Easy cleaning and should hold heat if it's too smooth ill add Grass ontop...

Just keep offering a variety of fresh veggies.
Eventually they'll come round I had one that loved veggies other one hardly touched em.

I am here: http://tapatalk.com/map.php?vd2bg0
I use fake grass too..... only pongs when there has been a great big, fresh, lumpy poop deposited on it. Spot cleaning takes care of that. I spot clean a couple of times, then take out that fake grass and put in a fresh one. The dirty one gets taken outside and I beat the poop out of it, hose it down and dry/air it until it is needed. Each of my enclosures has 2 fake grasses to cycle. My bredli's enclosure and one of the spotteds is half fake grass and half coarse sand :lol:

Like marzzy said, ventilation is key ;)
Mine currently has some sort of wood chip stuff in it,came with the enclosure. I will thou in future be getting the sand. Might be fun making little patterns in it like a Japanese garden,then seeing Cricket put her snake pattern over top lol.
If i was growing small reptiles i would probly be feeding mine house flys and small crikets i think there alot better for baby animals and alot less fat in them. They also move alot more so it tends to make them hunt more to get food.
Seriously, fake grass has to be cleaned everytime your animal defecates or urinates. Problem with it is you cant see when its been urinated on.
you could go with whole newspapers covering the floor, that way when there is a nugget you can just tear the piece of paper off, or pull it out or whatever,..

i had heaps of trouble getting the shingleback enclosure stench free, so the eating half is done with with loads of layers of newspaper for easy removal and the digging half has Ozpet litter for easy scooping.

all disposable and working really well,....
I use fake grass with newspaper underneath as a lining. Maggie, my Frilly, goes outside to poop so no mess in the enclosure :)
yes i have two fake grass pieces that i change regularly,today i bought vinal so will be putting that in. have critters crumble in snake tank but didnt want to use that on the little ones. Crickets are their main source of food with vegies offered. Am looking forward to separating them today into two enclosures maybe that will help with smell.
Seriously, fake grass has to be cleaned everytime your animal defecates or urinates. Problem with it is you cant see when its been urinated on.

My enclosures can usually go a couple (or 3) of feeds with spot de-pooping, then cycle with another piece already the right size and has been cleaned and aired.... easy, looks good imo... works for me ;)
i had sand with my snake and had planned on using sand again in my dragons but iv been told it can be harmful to their digestion if they happen to eat some. atm im pretty sure my snake has newspaper but i will be putting the fake grass in there when he comes home and thats wat i planned on using my my dragons.
yes i heard sand isn't good, can lead to impaction, i think when they are older it might be different but i would prefer not to take the risk, we have kritters crumble with the woma and Bradleys pet base in with the MD.....think its a personal thing depending on your likes
beama i had no idea until a mate told me. the petshop sold it to me saying it was the best thing! soo angry i could have hurt my snake!
very few pet stores seem to know much about reptiles i have noticed....some great reptile stores though and lots of reptile owners seem more than happy to share their stories and experience!!
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