Hey guys, I found this frog stuck to my window this evening, can anyone tell me what it is exactly? It has these tiny bright green dots on it, not sure if you can see in the photo. Thanks
Hey dragozz, we have those little guys where we live too, some of them are a really light grey colour, others are brown, but all of them have those green specks! They are lovely. I would love to know what they are too!
thanks for the site I think I found it, it seems to have the same characteristics as the Litoria peroni- Peron's Tree Frog. It has the same markings next to the legs, exact same eye as described and head to shoulder markings. If anyone would like to confirm or dispute that, it would be great, but I think we have a winner
I am fortunate to keep six of these guy's (and girls) and I love my perons. They change from the palest cream to the darkest brown/black, can have stunning emerald green dots on there back and the inner thigh is yellow and black.
ye it was great, I'm hoping there are more on my yard and that they will hang around for a while at least Love finding different things around the house, makes you happy that at least the surroundings make a good home for them.