Frogs and lizards together .

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Very Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2009
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hey my teacher asked me this question today ( hes mad bout reptiles like us ) can you keep lizards with green tree frogs ( small lizards not big ones incase they eat the frogs) i suggested water skink... any good ? got any other suggestions for him ?
I no some people who have boyd forest dragons and frogs together, the thing i would suggest is that you have lots of hides for the frogs during the day. Mainly because they are nocturnal and they come and eat all the left over crickets and things. But it is up to the person who does what, i personally havent.
The guy i get my frogs of has several of his tanks containing an adult water skink
and a green tree frog or two
This works only because neither can fit into each others mouth
and they are active during different times of the day
Having said this i have seen pictures of a rather large GTF eating a hatchling snake (not sure what type but the frog seemed to enjoy it)
I have kept frogs and lizards together for years, GTFs and Red Eyed Tree Frogs with Cunninghams, geckos, Pinktongues, Mountain Dragons ect and even Bearded Dragons. You should have a few years experience with the species kept solo before attemping to mix them together.
u.milli ????? dont green tree frogs and mills have a completley diferrnent needs ? like dosent a milli need sand, ? and not alot of wetness
There are green tree frogs in the desert too, richoman. So, if you're awfully clever, like JasonL, you can provision each species with its requirements even though they are a bit different. Some geckoes do well with a spray anyway. Like JasonL said, you need to have considerable experience with the individual species' needs prior to sticking them in together.
GTF's need lots of "wetness"? they live throughout some pretty dry areas ad are good at finding water... a small bowl of water in a aviary is fine for them.. milii live right up to and around the coast, though do usually occupy dryer areas, they can be found within a few meters of permanent water.
I dont think frogs and beardies should go together because i think frogs like lots of water and breadies like lots of sand but i dont think frogs like the sand
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