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Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2010
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Western Sydney
So found some one selling a gecko and tank set up but he has no idea what type it is, and niether do i as i have no knowledge of geckos as of yet. so could some one please tell me what this little guy is? cheers

Not if you want it on license lol
They is so much awesome (and cheap lol) geckos around on license I don't know why you would bother with anything dodge
dont think its christinus marmaratus....
if he can get a better pic i can confirm that :)
thanks guys. i asked him if he had a licence and no reply. looking for some for fathers day which is now only a few weeks away. anyways hubby is after the barking geckos now apparently :S
hey goldmember - he wants the underwoodisaurus miliis - so the barking gecko, he wanted two ideally. so depending on price would determine if we got the pair. I on the other hand, think that the amyae's are awesome - like angry little dinosaurs! so cute!
You should be able to pick up a pair of mill from $120-$250 depending on looks,age etc.
Amyae I think start at around $300 each
yeah the amyae is out of our price range :( the only problem is getitng the mill at the moment, none are breeding yet and no one close selling
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