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Active Member
May 4, 2008
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This is just a question of curiosity, but is there a particular snake that is more interesting than other species? By 'interesting' I mean more active, or do bizzare things, avid climbers, 'interesting' in what they do than colouration and things.

Probably a silly question, but thought I'd ask anyway

Thanks in advance!
For me GTS are kinda cool. Always on the go and watch you from across the room.
I've heard good things about womas n their unique personalities . .
Some cobra's spit, death adder uses camo and it's tail to lure prey, red belly blacks can strike with their mouth clothes to scare off predictors, GTP have a very unique perching "pose" I guess - don't know the real name of it.

these are things i've heard...
My olive is super active, barely stops unless he is full of food!
Depends on the snake really....
My jungles and darwins are always out and about when not breeding etc
Womas are very unique in lots of ways ...always seem to be active and doing somthing worth watching
But cant go past my GTPs when it comes to crazy hanging poses...bodys in the typical GTP pose but with heads totally upside down and all other funny as things...
depends what you like looking at yourself :D
my female hypo coastal is always active, climbs anything darwins are active most of the time
My jungles are really active. The bredli's are generally night active (maybe cause of their desert origins?) GTP's don't need to move to be interesting... their so beautiful it's hypnotizing lol.
Personality comes into it too, I have a ordinary bredli which is my favourite snake out of all the prettier species I have. He sleeps on me while I watch TV and teaches the Mormans to skip my house lol.
Lol d3pro
Yeh I'm with Donks on this one my rough scaled python has a good personality specially coz he's still young and likes to think he's boss and try eat me lol but he's calming down heaps and i think it's the nice bright silver eyes that makes them look even better

Cheers Shaye
Scrub :lol: She's been a learning curve I'll say! SO alert and inquisitive... keeps you on your toes too... :lol:
Lol d3pro
Yeh I'm with Donks on this one my rough scaled python has a good personality specially coz he's still young and likes to think he's boss and try eat me lol but he's calming down heaps and i think it's the nice bright silver eyes that makes them look even better

Cheers Shaye

RSP's are awesome, it's on my list of snakes to get. But the prices are steadily declining so I don't mind waiting just a little longer :)
Love my Woma, so full of personality.:D My NT Carpet wouldn't work in an iron lung I don't think, the laziest thing on this earth!! Still love it though................never bites.:p
Go the jungles mate they are active, good feeders, something good to look at in the enclosure.

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