Getiing my md

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Jul 25, 2007
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Well everyone im 90% im going to pick up an inland carpet yearling today for 250. Who knows how to care for yearling MD's as ill definately need a few people to harass with questions as its my first herp.

I don't know much about the MD but i assume it's just like any other python. Decent heat source, cool end - warm end, ventilation, access to water, cages on the heat lamps to avoid burning, feeding depends on the ages of python. And yeah, the temp requirements are different for various species as their natural habitate has different climate conditions so you might have to do a tad of research!!

Anyways, congrats on your first snake! You'll do well!:D
thanks princess. Ill post piccies as soon as i get a camera. By the way hes going into a 6' tank. What signs would indicate he needs to go into a click clack for a while.
Serpentes - MDs are considered the ideal captive snake - they are nearly bulletproof and very forgiving of mistakes...standard python husbandry techniques are perfectly suitable...

...a hot end of 32 with gradient dropping down to the cool end. Plenty of hides to settle in. Leave it alone for a week or two to settle and bingo - that's about it. Food will obviously depend on the size of the snake and should probably be fed about every 10 days...
Serpentes - That tank might be fine - depends on his size - I personally think click-clacks are a much easier method of keeping a younger, smaller will definately need alot of hides throughout an enclosure that size for him to settle in...

...if he is stressed he will likely not feed and be quite snappy - as I said - let it settle in for at least one week, better off two weeks before do ANYTHING (other than cleaning). That includes handling, feeding etc...
um i can only get my tank up to about 26 at the hot end as its only 17 in the house. Is this to low for this time of year. In summer it will be higher but 26 is it for now. plz need to know before i get my md.
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