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I scent mine with a dead gold fish. to a snake it smells like a skink.
Gave a troublesome RBBS a dose of this mixed with Hill A/D on the weekend, took it's first pinkie today. I'm happy :)

Congrats :)

My Jag has had 6 feeds so far, 3 pinkie mice and 3 fuzzy mice (I'm moving her to pinkie rats in a couple of weeks). She never refuses, takes it first time every time.

When I got her one month ago, she was 28 grams. Now she's 46 grams. Plus she's become very friendly. I couldn't be happier :D
Miffy.... was the golfish murdered to scent the pinkies or did it die of natural causes? hehehehe Was it yours or did you fish-nap it?:lol:

Why not just give it the goldfish? Too big? ;)
Miffy.... was the golfish murdered to scent the pinkies or did it die of natural causes? hehehehe Was it yours or did you fish-nap it?:lol:

Why not just give it the goldfish? Too big? ;)

I euthanasia the gold fish by freezing it. I want the snake to take mice/rats due to their nutritional content, so therefore just scent the prey with the goldfish. I bought it from the aquarium (was a feeder fish) and was told freezing it was the most humane way to kill the gold fish. Although freezing reptiles is one of the most UNHUMANE way to euthanasia a reptile.
I scent mine with a dead gold fish. to a snake it smells like a skink.

I euthanasia the gold fish by freezing it. I want the snake to take mice/rats due to their nutritional content, so therefore just scent the prey with the goldfish. I bought it from the aquarium (was a feeder fish) and was told freezing it was the most humane way to kill the gold fish. Although freezing reptiles is one of the most UNHUMANE way to euthanasia a reptile.
Does it have to a gold fish or could you use any type of fish. I mean can it be like the fish you use for your dinner the ones from the salt water fish as in Bream etc. Or mist it be fresh water fish.
Just thought I would update on how this problem feeder Jag is going.

When I first got her, she was 28 grams (weighed on 22/3/12). But since the Wombaroo, she's been eating like crazy and is now 68 grams today. She has had 16 feeds with me, is on pinkie rats, but is about to be upsized to fuzzy rats.

Here's an updated photo.

Also, here's a video of her eating, I took it a little while ago, when she was on fuzzy mice.
Jaguar python eating. - YouTube
RSPcrazy how much did you feed it the first time? Would you feed it the 10-15% of its body weight like you would normally or less?
RSPcrazy how much did you feed it the first time? Would you feed it the 10-15% of its body weight like you would normally or less?

I don't work out what to feed my snakes by weighing the food. My rule of thumb is, feed items the same to a little thicker then the thickest part of the snakes body.

When working out how much Wombaroo to give, I simply guest how much Wombaroo would equal the same body mass (not weight) as what ever food item I was feeding at the time (in this case it was 2 pinkie mice).
I find that patience works well.....never yet seen a suicidal snake
interesting i have a georgtown stimson that not a big fan of the food so might get me some and give it a try.
I find that patience works well.....never yet seen a suicidal snake

I tried patience with some problem childrens pythons years back, end result, they wouldn't eat and died. Plus I waisted a lot of money's worth of rodents trying to get them to eat of their own free will. Some snakes are just problematic and tricks like Wombaroo, etc, saves their lives.
Hmm i have a proserpine hatchy thats refusing to eat think ill order myself some of this stuff and give it a go, *fingers crossed*
I just ordered some too. Worth a shot for $8 I reckon. See if it'll make any difference on my assist feeding bhp bub. If not i'm sure it'll be good for him anyway :)
So what's the best way to get the wombaroo into them if there not taking food... My albino refuses to even strike at his food and I'm getting to a point where I'm getting really frustraited lol.
So what's the best way to get the wombaroo into them if there not taking food... My albino refuses to even strike at his food and I'm getting to a point where I'm getting really frustraited lol.

Orally inject. Read the first couple of pages, it's all there.
Hi! Would this work with my stimmi that has stopped feeding! Fed perfectly ever since i got her bout 5 months ago, but she has recently stopped feeding nd missed 2 feeds now over 2 weeks :( alot of people have been saying its just the winter time, any thoughts?
How old is your stimmi ?? most stimmi's go off feed coming up to winter - my male wheatbelt has gone off his feed about three weeks ago and its normal for him to do this every year, he is now 4 yrs old.
What if the snake regurges the orally administered wombaroo mix? Wouldn't the liquid go down it's windpipe?
What if the snake regurges the orally administered wombaroo mix? Wouldn't the liquid go down it's windpipe?

You mix it to more of a porridge texture, then a runny liquid (less chance of it going down the windpipe). After injecting, theirs always a little bit that ends up in the mouth. Simply wipe it away or what I do, is flush it out by squirting a bit of water in their mouth with a syringe.

I haven't had an issue with them regurgitating it, neither has my father, and he's done this countless times. I would say, don't just inject and leave the snake, watch it for a minute to make sure everything has gone according to plan.

Hi! Would this work with my stimmi that has stopped feeding! Fed perfectly ever since i got her bout 5 months ago, but she has recently stopped feeding nd missed 2 feeds now over 2 weeks :( alot of people have been saying its just the winter time, any thoughts?

I wouldn't be worrying about her not feeding for the past 2 weeks, even if it wasn't coming up to winter. At 1-2 months of not eating (not during winter time) is when I would start thinking about using Wombaroo to jump start her appetite. But as said before, they will stop feeding for winter and they can go all winter without food. If you want her to eat, then just make sure her heat is turned up and that should do the trick.
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Hay guys! Cheers heaps for the advice! She is a George town nd she's almost a year old now, good to know your stimmi does the same congo_python well not good lol but nice to know I'm not alone in the frustration lol just to ask should i still try feeding as usual once a week? thanx for the heads up. Ill turn her heat up and see how she goes! I did relies the other day the ambient temp in the tank during the day is max 27'c so probly a little cold nd I don't have a heat lamp just a 5.0uvb slim bulb that runs the full length of the tank and a heat mat that is thermo regulated to 34'c as she spends most of the time on the floor I thought this would be ok and sometimes won't even sleep on the heat side. Cheers for the tip RSPcrazy! :)
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