Getting back together...

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Alot get the emotional feelings mixed up ...LUST will wear off ...lust can feel like love and make your heart flutter and get that gut butterfly effect etc ...but lust is an easy thing to go to the way side start seeing your partner in a different light ,and vice versa ..lust blinkers have now been removed ..and you have to really know why you fell in love the first place..
Having a baby doesnt make a marriage work in all relationships ..the romance behind half these HOLLYWOOD movies have alot to answer for ..compatability is a real issue have to at least be able to agree on somethings ..its all normal to have different opinions ,but if they are going to be a fuming point in all your arguments ..forget it ..
Some people get back together a second time ,simply because its a familiar stomping ground and so its easy ..but as they find out all those problems are still there and raise their ugly heads sooner or later ..
Seperation in couples, due to stress and arguing and in need of a sanity break ,might work out once those issues are dealt with ,(this was my issue and we got back together after a short break)
doesnt mean it goes all smooth sailing ,we still argue ,but can resolve it quickly and move past it ..
Seperation and then either both or one of the partners goes and has a fling with someone else ,then gets back together ..can get really messy and in all honesty I think TRUST issues will always be your weak point ..he/she left you once before ....and were they better in bed then me ...if you can move past this ,then you may have a second run ..but most dont ..betrayal is a cancer and not many get over it .
I agree with this Lozza. If two people continue to break up and get together again then they're obviously not trying to resolve any of the problems that were there causing issues in the first place. It can't be good for your sanity if you keep going round and round in circles like that, and yes it is ridiculous.

nope, to me there is a reason for breaking up ;)
My sister on the otherhand breaks up with her stupid bf every second day for nearly 2 years :rolleyes: She'll call bawling her eyes out one day only to be back with him the next - totally ridiculous imo

I agree with you too RedBellyBite, if things are going to work then BOTH parties will have to work to resolve the issues that were there causing the break up(s) in the first place. I actually think it's really healthy for a couple to give one another space when things are really stressful. It takes a lot of maturity to make this work. Trust issues are definitely difficult to get past but if you really felt that your partner was worth the hard yards then it's not entirely impossible. Meh... Maybe I'm just more of an optimist than most people out there are :p
I think I might be getting old but happy ending stories like this always bring a tear to the old eye :rolleyes: :lol: :oops:
Thank you for sharing vrhq08!

my partner and i broke up for about a month due 2 alot of stressful things going on at the time we decided after a month to hang out and play guitar hero as friends and a few months later he moved in with me and we havent looked back since
I think there's precious few circumstances I'd break up with someone only to get back together with them again now. I have done it in the past in one relationship but it was an exceptionally stupid idea and it made the whole situation even worse. Not because I don't believe in working things out, more because I don't believe it breaking things off without having tried to work on the relationship to start with, or without good reason. No one I've ever been with has been a spontaneous ditcher either, but I can't imagine that I'd have responded well if they had been. To me, once it's done, it's done.
not that relationships really matter that much at my age and everything is more for fun...but share lol...i went out with a guy then he got really clingy so i bailed (cant stand clingyness)...a while later after avoiding him i found i was missing him...sooo we tried again...and the same thing happened...this happened three not going to go for it again, coz although i still want would be a mistake to take it any further and go for a 4th time, i guess we just arent really meant to be lol and it would be a mistake to try again...i think 3s enough lol.. :S
we're still friends tho...but its gonna be weird seeing him dating someone else...
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