Getting started - most likely with a jungle hatchie

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Active Member
Feb 24, 2011
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Latrobe Valley Victoria
O.K - it's come to decision time for my first snake and I'm 75% convinced on a jungle - mainly on looks and size, but common sense tells me I should get a Stimi as they are a bit more user friendly (especially for a newbie).

My original thoughts were to get a full sized enclosure (1200 x 600) and put in a lot of sheltering places, but in reading the posts I'll set up something smaller ie. clickclack or tank.

1. Which would be best - go full sized at start with plenty of hides or smaller enclosure.

2. I have a 3 foot fishtank in the shed - whats your thoughts on using this or just utilise a clickclack.

Your thoughts
1. if you want a jungle, get a jungle.

2. set up your 4ft enclosure if you want... not going to hurt.

3. Fish tanks aren't a great idea in my opinion for pythons because they dont hold an ambient temperature very well. im not saying they can't be used. im just saying there are better materials than glass to use for reptile enclosures.

4. if you end up getting a hatchie or yearling, stick it in a click clack inside the enclosure until its big enough for the enclosure. I've done this with multiple snakes with no issue. Still currently have two snakes in tubs inside different enclosures and think its the way to go. just make sure your tub isn't placed where its going to overheat or stay too cool using a thermometer, not just what the thermostat says.

5. if you wanted you could get/make a click clack for now and chuck it on a heat mat on a thermostat (repta-pets makes a good one with a thermostat included)covering roughly 1/3 of the bottom of the enclosure. Put them on top of some polystyrene (what i use under my heat mats) and worry about a tank at a later date. Make sure you still include a water bowl and hide. if you have a jungle you might also want to add a climbing stick or piece of dowel
If you are getting a young snake use a click clack, I find they are more settled with a better feeding response. Fish tanks can be used but they are more trouble then they are worth.
Mate you can start with what ever snake you want no such thing as a beginner snake it's all in the research of husbandry needs and amount of work you want to put in....
As stated if you like the jungles get a jungle, like the stimmis get the stimmi... don't be intimidated with the so called "difference/difficulties" in husbandry. If your willing to acquire the proper knowledge and put in the proper work, any species of snake is a good first snake.... If you can properly take care of a GTP or a 15 foot scrubbie as a first snake then whats the problem lol....

and as above click clack in a large (adult size) enclosure is better saves you wasting money on a small one then upgrading down the track
Thanks guys - would a (1200 x 600 (4x2)) be O.K or should I make one 4x3 or 4x4 be better. This was one of the reasons I asked if jungles are climbers (aboreal) or not.
Thanks guys - would a (1200 x 600 (4x2)) be O.K or should I make one 4x3 or 4x4 be better. This was one of the reasons I asked if jungles are climbers (aboreal) or not.

4x2x2 seems to be the standard/most common carpet python enclosure size from what i've seen, although 4x4x2 would be better if you have the space, could even go larger if you wanted, there isn't really a set limit..
Thank D.K - I've got heaps of room down in "Man Land" (Pool Room), so actually thinking either a 4x3x2 or 4x4x2 for better viewing.
The other thing to consider with jungles is that the have a propensity to be quite aggressive (of course there are exceptions). You might want to think about getting an older specimen rather than a hatchie (I wish I did that when I first started out). With an older snake you will know what the colour and temperament are like whereas with a hatchie it's always a bit of a lucky dip. In general, there are less issues with feeding older snakes too.
even with the aggressive trait I think if you find a breeder who has a feeding record with hatchlings you'll be better off with choosing a placid calmer snake... that's how I've found mine.
the two adults the breeder had showed two extremely different constantly striking non stop, the other happy and chill to do anything.
noticed this in the hatchlings as well (for different reasons of course)...but because of the feeding history it was easier to choose a seemingly nice one that hasn't got feeding issues...also seems a confident snake.

Granted this is my first so I don't have as much experience as the others posting here...but I'd definitively say don't give up on a jungle if that's what you're wanting :)
Get a jungle get a jungle get a jungle I started with one now I have 4 beware they are addicitive !!!!!!!!

If you get an atherton or tully locality they are a bigger snake females can reach 6 foot long and males 5 foot and they should ahve a taller enclosure so they can climb and feel they are up high and stretch out.

Start with a click clack there is a great thread on the forum how to buld a click clack tog et you started and I have just put a thread up with my latest two enclosures....I have set them up so that they have to go up and down a stick to get to a basking shelf heated with a habistat repti radiator and i am really stoked with the setup

Get a Jungle get a jungle get a jungle....there are some great breeders on here...Colin Roger.......Baden.......just to name a few....look for someone whith a high profile who can give you lots of support after you have purchased.

i got a bro and sis jungle for my first reptiles and i love em
bitey to start with but now they are as quiet as babys at 12 months
sorry i didnt read other post but i probably wouldnt choose jungle for a first python as they are snappy and you as not use to snakes will maybe get scared? they do calm down with handling though so its mainly up to you
sorry i didnt read other post but i probably wouldnt choose jungle for a first python as they are snappy and you as not use to snakes will maybe get scared? they do calm down with handling though so its mainly up to you

no offence to you but i think this type of advice is ridiculous, sure jungles can be snappy but its a great learning curve, i personally don't see the point in buying an animal that you aren't likely to be happy with at the end of the day and will be stuck with, so what if you get a snappy hatchy, the bites don't hurt and even if it grows into a snappy adult by that time you will have gotten used to the bites as its grown and it won't be such a big deal..
I have heard that the brighter coloured the jungle the more snappy they can be?.. Anyone with knowledge about this feel free to correct me if I am wrong.. Anyway, I bought a jungle for my first snake because I knew if I had bought a stimmie I would have ended up buying a jungle anyway. When she was a hatchy she tried to bite a couple of times as most hatchies do. But she hasn't tried to bite since she was about 6 months old, she's now just over 12 months! Go for the snake you like the look of.
rofl Donkey_Kong if he is new to snakes and it bites him he may be scared and never wanna touch it again?
like ^

sorry about stealing this thread but seeing as its about getting a jungle hatchie, i have a jungle hatchie and its 3 months old ive got him on fuzzies so just wondering when should i try to get him feeding on rats and should i be going onto pinkie rats or what?
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rofl Donkey_Kong if he is new to snakes and it bites him he may be scared and never wanna touch it again?

laugh all you want, my point still stands what is the point in getting an animal you aren't going to be satisfied with, it is a ridiculous idea just as ridiculous as getting any snake if you are scared about it biting, if you're around them long enough your bound to be tagged eventually, its just the way it is..
Not that I'm real scared of getting bitten - got plenty of scars on me already. Just didn't want to turn my mrs. totally off the idea of handling a snake. I figure I can afford bandaids.

The mind is made up - a Jungle Hatchie it will be. Waiting on my licence to come through then I'll be starting to peruse the for sale section..........
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