Gmail or Hotmail

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Alright, I have a confession to make. My inbox currently has 13332 unread emaills....

I use my gmail like I use google, I subscribe to stuff like pizza vouchers, flight deals etc etc and use the search function to find current deals when I want them. These things don't come up instantly on google, especially flight specials that are by email only.

My important emails are sorted by gmail and I have the option to only view these if I wish to ignore the rest. It works for me very well and it's just how I organise myself: organised chaos. I don't think hotmail is as flexible with things like this especially determining which email are deemed to be personal or important. Gmail has been spot on. I can also 'star' emails that I want to keep handy, like ticket purchases or flight itineraries.

Above all, the 19602 emails I currently have in my inbox (read and unread) has only taken up 19% of capacity.

.... Surely I'm not the only one who does this... otherwise I must be weird... but hey, at least I'm not boring :)

Does gmail have something like msn messenger that you can see at a glance whether or not you have emails? Or is going to your inbox the only way to find out?

Google chrome has a desktop notification thing although I have never used it as my email is generally always open
Haha well you can do something similar in hotmail where you can divert emails to certain folders if the sender or subject contains specific words. I do that with Facebook and APS emails so they don't fill up my inbox. It does sound like there's a bit more on gmail though
Its probably because of android fones that there getting so popular as up need one with them
i have both, one is a personal/junk/facebook email and my gmail is the one i use for more professional reasons like job isnt very yeah, ohh and i have the ninja theme as well
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