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haha yeah i not planing on copin a big goana bite anytime soon haha
although i have ceen few real nice lacys for sale other day very tempting haha
haha yeah i not planing on copin a big goana bite anytime soon haha
although i have ceen few real nice lacys for sale other day very tempting haha
l bet your not going to cop a big Monitor bite, if its from a female monitor you could see it as a love bite adelherper don't you think so mate, it was one of my male Sandy's that turned on me this morning, maybe he was just trying to protect one of his girls who knows mate, :D
if it bites our the door it goes .... he would be shown the door quick smart
if it bites our the door it goes .... he would be shown the door quick smart
kupper if the same male Sandy bite me again, he would be straight out my door and in your door, then you can show him who is the boss and teach him how to behave himself haha.
seems after you mate three times and still has not learned your fingers are not food
That looks nasty! and yes some large monitors can cause nerve damage.
so les you decided to part with some?...hows the wound ? hope it heals ok without infection or any problems for you of luck in selling the monitors..I am normally the type of person that jumps straight into the deep end but after reading up on the big monitors ,as much as I love them and could create a good outdoor pit ,,thinks I will start off with some small :) any suggestions?
so les you decided to part with some?...hows the wound ? hope it heals ok without infection or any problems for you of luck in selling the monitors..I am normally the type of person that jumps straight into the deep end but after reading up on the big monitors ,as much as I love them and could create a good outdoor pit ,,thinks I will start off with some small :) any suggestions?

Yes l have decided after spending all Sunday thinking about whether l should sell or keep them, that l will depart with 2 males and one female Desert Sand Monitor, and still keep one of each sex, so l'm not left with nothing at all, cause l still love these beautiful Desert Sand Monitor's, they will always remain my number favourite Reptile, which l have adored since l was 9 years old, for when l first saw a Photo of one in Lizards of Australia Book Author Stephen Swanson.thats what got me interested in Sand Monitor's the photo's in this book.
The wound on my index finger is still bleeding and is painfull, l have put betadine on the wound 3 times yesterday, to stop any infection from accuring, thanks for asking how the wound his.
l Think if your not quite ready to handle medium or large Monitor's, you would be far better of starting out with small Monitor's, there is less chance of you being injured if they manage to bite you, good luck in which ever small Monitor's you choose to get, hope they oneday breed for you.
Cheers, Les. :)
ouch that looks pretty bad. its a shame you have to sell them but you only get 10 fingers
ouch that looks pretty bad. its a shame you have to sell them but you only get 10 fingers
Yes its a shame l have to sell 3 of my beautiful Desert Sand Monitor's, buts what more important me keeping all my 10 fingers, or keeping the 3 males and 2 females Desrt Sand Monitor's, l say my 10 fingers a more important to keep.

yeah nasty, I recieved a bite years ago from a large lace monitor, I have nerve damage to my middle finger.
Its sad you have nerve damage in your middle finger from a Lace Monitor bite ecosnake, on the 23rd of August 2003, one of my female Desert Sand Monitor's, manage to bite my thump on my left hand, then on the 5th of September 2 weeks later, l woke up that morning with severe pain in my left arm, l found out l had bacteria from the bite in my left arm, so l was put in hospital for 5 days straight, they had to do operations on my left hand, in 48hours, l can tell you it was painfull going through all this, after being bitten by a 90cm long female Desert Sand Monitor, something l sure don't wont to go through again no way.Here is a photo of the female Desert Sand Monitor, that put me in hospital for 5 days straight.
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Just want to let you all know, my index finger, is still feeling a little bit saw and stiff in the middle, but has stopped bleeding for now, as long as l keep it cover with 2 band-aid, it will take about 10 days to heal properly.
Its a pity you have to sell them.:(
Yes l know its a pity l have to sell them Dragon1, but l feel l have had enough of keeping 5 adult Desert Sand Monitor's, they can be difficult to control at feed time, the males often will attack one of the females after they have finished eating, so l have to stay in there with them, to make sure they don't fight over food with each other, cause it can lead to serious injury, that may require vet care, in early 2006 one male Desert Sand Monitor l use to own, attacked one of the females in the hidebox, by grabbing her front left foot, that ended up requiring surgery at my local vet, now she has only 3 legs to move around with, which she does quiet well. so they are hard to control at feed time when you keep a few together.
I only have a Tristis and even for a lil fella he packs a wallop (i havn't been bitten but i felt the force of it all when i hand fed him a cricket)
But man! a bite from full grown a sandy? no thanks haha

Probably wouldn't stop me getting a bigger monitor species later on though they're an awesome reptile!

Sorry to hear that your female lost a foot, but im glad it doesn't hinder her getting around to much
Yes its true the Large Monitor's can cause nerve damage.

i've heard the same about big pythons too,..

what a cutie though, ya couldnt be angry with a face like that! :)

was wondering if monitors kept in groups fight, guess i got my answer,...
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