Good First Snake?

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Not so new Member
Oct 2, 2014
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I've been keeping lizards and turtles for some time now and would like to get a pet snake. What snake would make a good first snake?
i'm looking at children's, stimson's and pygmy, as they are small and easy to manage/ handle.
I'm interested in womas as well, as people said they don't have as much feeding problems, and they are still at manageable size.
Just don't want anything to be dangerous to keep.
If you don't want anything dangerous, don't get a venomous snake, or a large snake.

Apart from that anything is a great choice! Just remember than each snake has their own personalities, some are AMAZING others never settle down.
Thanks for the replies, i'm just not sure if their is a few particular species that are known to be aggressive that i should stay away. I'm defiantly not looking at any huge or venomous snakes.
My advice? Get what you like the look of, get what interests you, get something that you can house properly (ie. Don't get a woma if you don't have the space for a longer enclosure and don't get a Diamond if you don't have the room for a taller one - if that makes sense.)

I was told often in the lead up to getting my snake "don't get a jungle, they're snappy" and for me, the Jungle was the python I REALLY wanted.

So I got one.

Best decision I've ever made (apart from adopting my cat, awesome cat is awesome) but if I would have gotten the other pythons that were suggested to me, I don't think I would have been as happy.

My criteria was that I wanted a more colourful snake that didn't grow too large and because I wanted a taller enclosure, to save on floor/bench space, I narrowed my choices down to a Diamond or a Jungle. I just fell in love, found a great seller (through this site) and I've had Moose for over 3 years now.

Good luck with your upcoming python adventure :)
Yeah I heard lots of people saying darwin pythons are aggressive. Mine is the oppisate.

Get what you want not what people tell you
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