lol and as usual my thread gets away from me at 100 miles an hour,
but its ok this time, just wanted to see where you all stand on this issue.
and i know id get the exact reversed reaction had i have posted this on a fish based/themed froum.
i agree with dottyback on this issue, banning all fish imports is one of the most retarted things i have ever heard of. and i do know a few pepole who have in the past breed fish for whole sale, and they all say that in hte long run its just not worth it, and these undividuals have been breeding things like discus and frontousa (chiclids), the whole saler wants to buy thousands of fish at a time, but they want tham all to be a certant size, and only pay minimal abounts for the fish.
lets say discus at a size of 8 cm each and they are getting them from the breeders for 80 centce eatch (remember that they are buying a few hundred fish at a time from the one place)
they then sell the fish to there customers the pet shops and aquariums for $40 per fish, and in turn the the stores are then selling the fish to hobyests for $80 to $120 per fish,
and depending on your fish of choice it afects what varity is avalible and wher you can get them from.
i my self used to breed bettas, and not just the common "fighting fish" that many of you know, i used to have a number of mouth brooding sepcies as well as some of the lesser knowen bubble nesters, all of witch i had to get imported as no supliers had them. (and yes it was all done legaly) i was paying quite a bit for the fish at the time too, and they were comming from places where they wer commonly breed like guppies or other common fish, id hate to see what the price for them would be like if the imports stopped ( the local breeders would have no contest then)