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Very Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2012
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The one time I go to friends house the worst thing happens. I got my new gecko this morning put him in his enclosure, checked to make sure it waslocked and closed and then left. I come home, what do I find? The enclosure right open :evil: How am I supposed to find a baby gecko in my room? He's a goner :cry: I have so much stuff in my room, he could be anywhere. He's probably run outside or something....

I spent a whole week on a rock wall for this guy and now it wasn't even worth it.

This is why I don't trust my family! I am never going to friends house or camp again :evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil: Argh! I am so bloody angry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thats no good, i hope you find him
maybe look around your room at night with a torch?
man that has to suck! start stripping the house :shock: hope you find him! what is he? other then a gecko
look, i can imagine how disapointed you may be but never jump to the conclusion of him being a goner, you will find him if you try. not good with geckos but maybe leave a small lamp\light on a wall and he may come out. what sort of gecko is he?
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Oh no hun! Start going through everything! And maybe time to invest in a lock on your door :( I hope you find the little one
Ohhhh have little brothers lol? there good at doing that. I know u must be major annoyed but u never know he may be closer than u think! all u can do is keep an eye out. Goodluck! sux that he got out :| i hope u find him.
This is why enclosures should have locks and only you have the keys.I'm guilty of not having locks but. Got my 2 yr old at the moment that is obsessed with my CBD, need to change the lock setup as he worked out how to open it today

Hopefully it'll turn up
Thanks everyone, I am happy to say I found him! :D:D:D:D:D (I feel kind of stupid for posting this thread :p) I found the little guy in my bed (I have a loft bed) he was sunggled between 2 pillows lol. Lucky I found him, I probably would have squished him when I went to bed >.<

To answer the question, he is a common tree dtella (Gehyra variegata) He is beautiful! I'll get a pic once he has settled, I love him!

Dangles, the enclosure does have a lock....I normally just leave the keys out in case of a fire etc and they need to get the herps out but I think I will be hiding them from now on

Thank you for all the support! Such a caring comunity here :D
Bugger! Dont give up, keep looking. Good luck cobber!

Goodonya! Glad you found it!
yep start getting locks, never trust kids with your pets. leave a box of crickets closed in the middle of your room and he might get hungry and you might find him near the box, as the sound crickets make and being in a clear box he will see them and come out. but your gonna have to stay up with a torch and weight quietly and still. also look under everything and behind everything as they are great at hiding.
Lucky you found him!
Just wondering, did you get him from a shop or buy him online?

Great to hear that you found the little fella , in a house with my mother ( in FNQ all geckos go up the vacuum )
but i really think you should be like me and have NO friends :D
Thanks everyone! I'm glad I found him, he's so small! I'm just glad he didn't go into an air vent or something :p

Lucky you found him!
Just wondering, did you get him from a shop or buy him online?


I got him from a breeder in SA. I was going to get a pair but he only had one left :/
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