Greeny coloured scat

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Not so new Member
Feb 6, 2008
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My diamond just passed his last meal, and upon closer inspection when I went to remove it, I noticed that there was a green coloured see through piece joining the crap to the pee (urate) and that the urate had a green tinge to it.

Picture attached if anyone wants to have a look and tell me whether its normal, or another trip to vet is needed.
I'm not 100% sure as to whether or not that is "normal" as I'm not a reptile feces analysis LOL. .

It coudl just be apart of the snakes last meal? Not sure sorry. . Odd though, or is it? lol
hmmm does look a little weird. not sure bout that to be honest. i havnt seen that before.
Wow, that is great macro work. It looks normal. It looks like good healthy normal faeces. I wouldn't be concerned. Just check the next time he poo's. If you are worried, contact a rep vet.
Oh thanks!

Im a great photographer.. Its not like a i took 8 pics and that was the best of them lol :oops:
Anyone else had a green tinge in the urate before? Ever since ive read up on snake diseases ive been over reacting about everything I guess..

My girlfriend thought I had gone mental when she saw me taking pics of our snakes faeces lol.
I believe it is just a little bile which they do pass from time to time.
A few of my adult snakes have recently done this aswell - was very worried but they all eating and acting fine.
I emailed my vet aswell and he looked and said he didnt notice anything out of the ordinary, although obviously better to be safe than sorry, so he told me to give the snake a warm bath for 20 minutes to loosen up and undigested food, and if I notice any more abnormalities to bring them in.

He said he couldnt tell from the picture how dry the urate was but if it was too dry to up the humidity. Pretty helpful actually.

Ill look at the next one closely aswell.
I'm curious as to how the humidity would effect how much fluid is in the snakes bowel? I can understand effecting the lungs but not in its guts.
i thought it has something to do with renal function,..i'm in no way an expert,..just something i remember reading on another similar post,...
I gave that statement some thought, and then concluded that its possible that if it is too dry in the enclosure the snake may need to absorb more moisture from its food? If its humid enough then it may be able to "waste" a bit more moisture.

Perhaps they are similar ish to us? Osmosis and all that kind of crap. If we stay in a hot dry place we need to consume more water (and also we would pee less water giving us extra yellow and smelly urine etc)

I dunno?
I gave that statement some thought, and then concluded that its possible that if it is too dry in the enclosure the snake may need to absorb more moisture from its food? If its humid enough then it may be able to "waste" a bit more moisture.

Perhaps they are similar ish to us? Osmosis and all that kind of crap. If we stay in a hot dry place we need to consume more water (and also we would pee less water giving us extra yellow and smelly urine etc)

I dunno?

Snakes don't perspire as far as i'm aware so the ammount of fluid they would lose to the atmosphere i think would be negligible. And as long as the snake had adequate water, i odn't see how there could be a problem.
hang on... my snake has never passed nething brown.
i clean his enclosure out every few days and the only thing thats ever in there to clean out is the white rock like bit. something supposed to be brown?!?!?!?!??
You can get the vet to do a check of the poo for parasites, etc. Give him the sample he doesn't need to see the snake. he can check for flagyllates and protazoa.
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