Growth rate of beardies

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Active Member
Jun 20, 2010
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Adelaide, South Australia, Australia
I was just wondering what size my baby beardie should be. He is about 2 months old and 5 inches. He doesn't eat as much as what I've seen others post on this site. He has grown an inch since I got him a month ago.
I think babies should be growing at a rate of an inch per month? That's what I have herd anyway
He could have been a runt? My boy is. He's a 5 year old Eastern and only just 30cm....He is VERY healthy though, just small :)
My female was near the 60cm mark but she's passed :(
As long as he's eating and looking and acting healthy, I wouldn't worry. It'll be fun to see if his colour changes after the shed. :)
Ideally they should be in a constant state of shed, but an inch in a month is not to shabby. If he can keep that growth rate up over the next few months he will have a descent start to life. My male was a real slow grower but he is just a little smaller than average at 16 months old. His girl on the other hand is quite a big girl
don't worry about statistics too much,they all grow at different rates.As long as he is eating well and pooping regularly as well as shedding you should have no problems
Yes, eating and pooping. I guess he has been constantly shedding. Tiny bits here and there. Today was the first large piece. He looks a little darker where he shed.

- - - Updated - - -

What type of Beardie is it? as it looks more like a water dragon to me !!!! with the big back feet and the head eye structure
Cheers Deano
Looks like an inland beardie to me.....not even close to a water! Look at he head shape and the spikes along the stomach. Maybe the colour is greyish from the shed but the patterning etc. is of a beardie ;) And it is an Adorable little fella! I can't even remeber when my beardies were so tiny :D My hands grew as they did! lol
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