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Very Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2010
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Heyy, i just want to know if anyone has got a Green Tree Python as their first snake or what you think of getting one as a first.

I probably am getting one after my end of year exams.

PS: i have done around 1 year of reaserch on them. i think i have been on every website there is :D
Why? i have the time money and know people who have said they will help me when i need it
If you have the people to offer assistance , have done your research etc then I cant see why not , I have kept one for quite a while now and to be honest they require only slightly more care than most other pythons.
Don't get one because even tho u have learnt about them owning a snake is different then just reading about I just got mine and is my 11 th snake I keep a varity of snakes and pythons and the gtp takes alot more mointoring and u need to no about keeping up the hundity and how much u need to spray and just lots of little things they have very fragile tails so not recommend to handle . But is up to u I just wouldn't want risk such an amazing snake
Maybe not the best idea, but my suggestion is, if you really must, to get a yearling or at minimum a 6 month old. At that age their pretty bullet proof. I find it harder to take care of beardies and other lizards then snakes. There isn't much to the humidity side of things, a spray f water daily is enough, and if you live in QLD then heating is rather easy.

BUT, as a first snake, might not be a good move. What happens when it stops eating? are you going to handle it all the time? etc etc.
Get a simpler python that is more resistant to mistakes (like a jungle) and then think about getting a gtp.

If you have the people to offer assistance , have done your research etc then I cant see why not , I have kept one for quite a while now and to be honest they require only slightly more care than most other pythons.

+1 lol
SEE! This is what I was talking about.

What , Just cause some one says it needs extra monitoring you should not get one as a first snake ??
All snakes may prove to be tricky as a first snake , BUT if you are well informed , have some back up help / support then any snake could be easily managed as a first ....

I reckon a bearded dragon would be harder to keep alive than a gtp , but that's just me ;)
Yep and still paying for it now 11 in total coastals,bredli's,spotteds,blackheads,olive's,stimsons and a pair hey creek death adders on hold and still dont think im ready for GTP's yet
You've been on every website, but do some reading other than online. There is a great sticky up here somewhere outlining some good GTP reading material, so get hold of some of the stuff listed there.

I see no reason why you couldn't manage a GTP as your first, as long as you have done your homework and buy off a good breeder that is willing to offer support.

Many people can own numerous pythons, and still do a much poorer job than a newbie that has done the appropriate research and has half a brain.
Yeah i know how much care they need and about their tales. But really the care isn't that much more than a spotted or any other kind of snake. I don't get why people say not to get one as a first snake. Well i kind of do for the people who just want a green tree python for the sake of it who haven't done any research at all but i have don't at least a year of research.
Yes mate please listen to D3pro as he agrees that if you have done the research and have people to help you then go for it. Ignore some of the other comments mate, i dont see any real good reason you shouldnt get 1
As we have all said it's not reccommed but is up to u in the end if u it all goes well great but if it doesn't well u were advices against it and in my opoion they are a bit harder then spotteda and can get problems alot easier with shedding and prolapse
But really the care isn't that much more than a spotted or any other kind of snake.

I'm sorry, but Spotted Pythons are 1000000 times easier to keep. They dont require a special humidity level, and give 'em a water dish, hide and heat mat and they're good. But GTP's need special humidity levels, special heat requirements and housing requirements. Also, the majority are NOT good for handling. But if you really do think you can handle it. Well..... I guess we cant really stop you...
snakeluvver - if you're quoting broad, sweeping statements from simple care sheets,and basing all your comments on "what others have said," then why bother arguing at all?

If you do not know for yourself, and have little to no knowledge on the care of GTPs, perhaps don't push the point, and leave it to those who know what they're talking about.

I can't see one good reason why a new keeper that has researched the species thoroughly could not maintain humidity levels, and set up an appropriate enclosure...can you? If not, then what are you arguing?
Yes mate please listen to D3pro as he agrees that if you have done the research and have people to help you then go for it. Ignore some of the other comments mate, i dont see any real good reason you shouldnt get 1

Yeah but as soon as I think its getting out of my reach i would sell it to someone experienced.
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