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bloody DEC!!! :evil:
All we can do is dream and drool...

lol if gtps were on that piss-ant 5cat list that only includes 42 species over five licences id bet that cost 20k seeing as even poo brown imbricata's are 1k each and womas were 2500 not so long ago (1500 now) so ridiculous the prices in WA im SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO glade iv moved back to QLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! for herp keeping and breeding WA really is the worst state in AUS which is a shame pity Conservation And Land Destruction got to call the shots on licencing 5-6 years on and i dont see WA getting any additions to theyr'e licence and theres alot of promising species to be licenced

and lets not mention the DODGY! "licenced dealer/s" theres a certain one i dont want to mention publicly but hes a *** liar and a rip off artist not only done the wrong by me but to 2 others i know of

but i must say out of the people who keep here in perth i will say two above board people to deal with is "west aussie reptiles" and "pilbara pythons" so if you are going to get WA herps dont deal with anyone else but these two!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! take it from someone that has kept herps in qld and WA and has learned the HARD way my bank account hurts!!!

a bit off topic sorry, end point no way in the pit of haydes you will keep much at all in WA especially GTP's so many WA natives that are'nt even on the list that would make fantastic captives (Boiga irregularis, whip snake spp would be good to train respective cat 5 ven herpers, rosens snake, pygmy python, pilbara olive, a miriad of varanids ect ect ect)
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