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Very Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2008
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I know you have all probably had people react badly to your snakes. I don't even have one yet and it has begun!
This is from MSN, Names have been changed.

Rocky says:
It sucks, I won't actually get anything on my 18th, I have to wait until March!

Girl says:
Lol Why?

Rocky says:
Because I am getting a snake, And it is hatching around January, but wont be ready to be sold until march.

Girl says:

Girl says:

Girl says:

Rocky says:

Rocky says:
it isnt Venomous!

Girl says:
but it will like be like "sssssssssssssssssssssssss" and stick its tongue out and like slither round ur house and freak u out in your sleep

Girl says:
its a freaking snake!!!

Rocky says:
It'l be in an enclosure

Rocky says:
Most people i know own snakes

Rocky says:
I know one dude with 17..

Girl says:
well u know freaky people

Rocky says:

Girl says:

Mate, that's definitely a Keelback.

(note, she didn't say Mate, that's definitely a Keelback, It was added for Lolz, ect.)
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I know girls that don't even like cats - specially mine (ginger tom) - cus its not cuddly enough.

At the zoo while looking at the green tree python a couple walked up at started looking too.

Girl: "Honey, look how pretty it is, is it dangerous?"

Boy condescendingly: "Babe, it's a green tree python, it eats leaves."
Can you really blame them for that though?

I've had a similar reaction from a chick I've known for some years. Hadn't spoken in a year or two cos she's at uni fulltime and then working inbetween etc etc. Lately we've had some time to chat though and she only recently found out about my many snakes. Freaked and gave me that whole "What if you get biten and die?!?" "They're non venomous..." - "But you don't know they might be a hybrid with a venomous or evolve venom" "No, they aren't and won't"

I'm educating her though, she even said last we spoke that she's starting to like em :D
At the zoo while looking at the green tree python a couple walked up at started looking too.

Girl: "Honey, look how pretty it is, is it dangerous?"

Boy condescendingly: "Babe, it's a green tree python, it eats leaves."

HAHAHAHAHAHA, my god.... That's classic! since he's so confident, should get him to hold a few mice and then go grab out the vegitarion snake!
HAHA.Nice work.You should see the reaction of my friends from a ladies college which i'm going to :cry:
Have you ever thought of going to the zoo (mostly aimed at you Rocky) and gone into the reptile enclosure... waited for the right moment... then come running out screaming - It's escaped... run for your lives.. RUN!!!
At the zoo while looking at the green tree python a couple walked up at started looking too.

Girl: "Honey, look how pretty it is, is it dangerous?"

Boy condescendingly: "Babe, it's a green tree python, it eats leaves."

that should be in that book.. 'Great Lies To Tell Small Children' hehe
Have you ever thought of going to the zoo (mostly aimed at you Rocky) and gone into the reptile enclosure... waited for the right moment... then come running out screaming - It's escaped... run for your lives.. RUN!!!

Haha, can't say it is on the to do list! Might be now though. Would be better, climb into a beardie exhibit, then run out screaming the venomous Lizards are attacking. haha
LOL, Rocky and DDALDD.

I think the best one was when I was heading for my letterbox, and my three year brother had followed me out with my spotted around his neck. An adult woman walks past, then starts screaming at the top of her lungs, going on about how the snake is killing him and he'll have to be taken to hospital because he was dieing.

I was p^ssing myself laughing, because the snake was just hanging around my brother's neck, and doing absolutely nothing.
LOL, Rocky and DDALDD.

I think the best one was when I was heading for my letterbox, and my three year brother had followed me out with my spotted around his neck. An adult woman walks past, then starts screaming at the top of her lungs, going on about how the snake is killing him and he'll have to be taken to hospital because he was dieing.

I was p^ssing myself laughing, because the snake was just hanging around my brother's neck, and doing absolutely nothing.

Hahahaha I've done that too, I went outside with my Bredli round my neck to get the mail and a guy walked past and said 'you realise theres a snake around your neck?' and I said 'yeah...I put her there' ...he then gave me a bizarre look and rushed off lol.

And I totally agree with Lizzie, you guys are so talking to the wrong kind of girls.

I should quote my friends..two in particular, Dani and Estelle.. soo funny. I mention snakes, and they want to vomit lol
Have you ever thought of going to the zoo (mostly aimed at you Rocky) and gone into the reptile enclosure... waited for the right moment... then come running out screaming - It's escaped... run for your lives.. RUN!!!

HAHA omg, i almost spat out my coffee when i read this..
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