Handling Herps

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When do you handle your Herps?

  • Never.

    Votes: 9 6.5%
  • Always.

    Votes: 41 29.5%
  • Occasionally.

    Votes: 79 56.8%
  • As soon as I get them home.

    Votes: 10 7.2%
  • My wife/hubby/partner handles them. I can't stand them.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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Very Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2008
Reaction score
Cairns, Queensland
Just a quick one guys. I see it time and time again, people giving advice that you shouldn't handle snakes for a few days when you get them home as you will stress them out.

I was just wondering what everyone's feelings are on this point. Mine are quite simple. If you want a python that is easy to handle. Handle away as often as you want.

But this is just me.

What about you?
if it has been freighted in a bag for several hours then i would say handle less in the first feww days but from then on in go for your life... but yeh i agree, only way to calm one is to handle as often in my opinion. just harden up and cop the bites lol a crancky snake wont get calm over time thats for sure. especially if the only time you go near it is to clean and feed it.
Personally we dont over handle our pythons as there is no need apart from having to shift for cleaning,
or any other husbandry issue.
We dont have a bad handler in over 50 pythons so dont see the need to be harrasing them for the sake of
handling. JMO if you want a pet to cuddle get a dog or cat!
my little guy gets fed one a week, and i don't handle him for at least 24 hours after that, usually 3 days. on average probably only handle him once a week and we've never had any problems.
We have left our hatchies for a week after we bring them home, but now we handle our Stimmie about every 2nd day (except after a feed or before a shed)

Our Bredli is still settling in so we have only handle her twice since we got her but we are planning to handle her a fair bit to ensure she is good being handled for our 3yo daughter who loves snakes!
when i got mine home i handled it for 3 mins or something and put it in the enclosure for 3 days. i believe this is important because usually the snake is very stressed straight out the little transport container and i needs time to come back to its senses. imo this is the best thing to do.

I like letting mine wander the house under supervision of course, i handle him when he starts getting away or turn him around etc. whenever im alone in the house or bored. Or if he is figety.
Not that I have much experience but of my 6, 2 seem to enjoy being handled, 1 is shy about it but is fine once out of enclosure, 1 fresh one is jumpy at first but fine in the hand, 1 doesn't like being looked at let alone handled, and the big one is too unpredictable to judge, she'll be fine and curious one minute then BAM!, blood everywhere. (Please, no 'anthropomorphisation' comments, i've noticed it's been been used entirely incorrectly on this forum). Some snakes appear to be amenable to handling, some aren't, from my limited observations, you have to judge on an animal by animal basis. An article by Simon Stone points out that it's up to the keeper to observe the reactions of the snake and handle accordingly. That said, per FNQ's original post, if you want a snake you can handle, handle it and hope it calms down. I have heard though that this can cause stress related problems for your animal. It's a gamble either way. (I like to cuddle my snakes, I am not much of a dog or cat fan, they poop too often and are far too needy for my taste).
I hardly ever handle mine, just dont see the need and imo it is a great way to put a hatchy off its food by over handling.

I am with beeman, it you want cute and cudly get something with fur on it not scales!!
I believe too much handling is bad for the snake. Except for cage maintenance, I might handle once a week/fortnight. Usually I will take them out for a bit of natural sunlight, and for my bigger ones a bit of a slither on the grass. My diamond usually only defecates when he is on grass, so I take him out a week or so after feeding.

I do have a hatchy that I just purchased that appears very nervous and strikes a lot. I have had her for about three weeks now and has only eaten once since I got her, so I am more interested in getting her settled in her enclosure and eating than how well she handles. That will come later. I had a spotted that was a bit like this, and just handling once a week for about 10 minutes and she settled down fine.
Not always, but occasionally, and if I were at school, i'd hold my snakes when I get home, but I have a broken leg at the moment so it's hard to get to them.
I don't handle them for the simple reason that the novelty has worn off. I am happy to just admire them through the glass now. I only handle when probing or medicating.
I handle mine about twice a week - once for feed/cleaning and once midweek for around 10 minutes max, even though my bredli has the best nature and has never even attempted to bite, I don't think any snake "enjoys" being handled - they may not mind it however. So yea,
I said as soon as i get home which isn't right as i don't always handle the same snakes, each snake comes out for a wander and stretch once a week
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