Handling q?

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Active Member
Feb 6, 2003
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Ok, here is a q for the herp veterans. When is it best to handle your carpet, in the day when temps are up and they are less active, or at night when they are more active? I usually handle in the day with no problem, but when she is out and about during the night, she seems less inclined to leave her are to be handled, she is fine when I do get her out, but just less inclined. Any ideas? Thanks
Moses I am handling my snakes any time if is needed. But if i like to play with them, i am making sure that they eat at least 2 days before and they are not about to shead. One of my snake is snappy and it help to handle him when cold.
IMO I dont think it matters when you handle them (night or day).Keep in mind though that snakes have a stronger feeding response during the night hours and there could possibly be more chance of a snake bite than during the day.
LOL SJ my Big olive bit me but thanks GOT he did not swallow me.
He is much easier to handle now. But he is dangerous when hungry.
My guys get handled mostly when it's convenient for me but usually late afternoon and evenings. They are definately more active at this time and often already out and about when I bother them. I have noticed with the olives that they can be easily startled. For example if the snake room has all the lights off and I walk in and switch on the light and then immediately appear in front of their enclosure, this will often initiate a mad striking session at my every movement. First time this happened I tried to patiently wait and move slowly. Experience has now shown me that once they start (and they will both perform the striking together) they will not stop. If instead I immediately walk away from their line of sight and come back 15 mins later, they are fine and seem to have forgotten about the experience.

So my only suggestion is not to be too sudden in your initial movements when first approaching the enclosure and just be gentle but confident in your handling. Also if you do find that you are getting bitten by a young snake, try to avoid backing off and teaching the snake that its action will keep you away. Gentle handling of a young snake will give you an adult with manners.

G 8)
Yeah grahamh, I also handle when is convienient for me, was just wondering if anyone had any exper with their snakes having a preference. My girl(still no name) is a great handler :)
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