New Member
I got a hatchling jungle carpet 9 days ago, I tried to feed her wednesday and thursday but she wasnt interested either time. The first time I tried to feed her on wednesday she was out on a tree and when I opened the tank she kind of looked at it then started to turn around and go the other way like she was scared of it, On thursday she was in her hide and I dangled it by the door for a few minutes then left it in there for a few hours but she didnt take it. When should I try to feed her next? Im probably going to wait a week but wanted to know everyone elses method for getting them to take their first meal since ive read a few things saying some people wait weeks and some feed them on their first day. Shes out on a tree again today and dont know if I should try again or wait. Shes very active at night and comes out to bask on her branch/perch. During the day she will usually sit in a tree or bush, kind of hidden but still out of her hide.
Decided to try again today and she decided to eat, after almost escaping the enclosure. All good now
Decided to try again today and she decided to eat, after almost escaping the enclosure. All good now

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