Handling: What am I doing wrong?

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Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2009
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Hey guys.
Got another question for you more experienced people.
I've had my MD for just over a month.
I want to be able to hold him. I got him to conquer my fear of snakes :oops:
Anyways, when I had a look at him before I bought him, his previous owner took him out his cage for me and let him climb over my shoulders. Snake seemed comfortable enough and he actually recommended this snake for a beginner.
Anyways, a few weeks ago a mate and I took him out for a little while.
It was obvious he didnt like it and was trying to get away from us, lol.

So after some research on here and youtube I tried a few tricks. I would stroke him every couple of days so he would get used to me and always make sure he knows I'm there before I touch him. After a couple weeks of this he still flinches everytime I touch him.

I tried again today and he was even worse!
He was really franticly trying to get away from me and hissing at me. Flailing about from side to side. Was quite scary for me and quite stressfull for him I'd imagine.

Anyways, I am not gonna try again until I figure out where we are going wrong.

Is there a special way or place to hold them? I was using both hands trying to support the bottom 2/3rds of his body.

Any tips?
Better yet, anyone who lives near Wattle Grove, NSW wanna come visit and show me, lol?
I'm lucky his enclosure is quite large, but its quite annoying trying to clean up his cage with him in it.

Is he on shed? Eyes cloudy, skin dull?
i know this isnt the most recomended method but has worked with more aggresive snakes iv had.(jungles)
i generally let the snake be in its enclosure for the first month and half/ 2 months

by its self with no handling and human interaction, to let it settle. then start by lifting out of its enclosure with a snake hook then just simply placing it on my hands wilst on either a bed or sofa. (trying to get it to calm down by giving it room to move but not letting it get completly off me.
this method generally works for me, but as said with taming herps, its a lenghy process if ur patient u will succed.
good luck buddy.
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i know this isnt the most recomended method but has worked with more aggresive snakes iv had.(jungles)
i generally let the snake be in its enclosure for the first month and half/ 2 months

by its self with no handling and human interaction, to let it settle. then start by lifting out of its enclosure with a snake hook then just simply placing it on my hands wilst on either a bed or sofa. (trying to get it to calm down by giving it room to move but not letting it get completly off me.
this method generally works for me, but as said with taming herps, its a lenghy process if ur patient u will succed.
good luck buddy.

Thanks, I've had him for just over a month, and I also bought his enclosure from his last owner. He seems to have settled in fine. He's eating well, pooping fine, and didnt have any probs shedding. And the room he is in, he is rarely disturbed.
I sometimes go in there to get my clean laundy.
Otherwise he is left to his own devices most of the time.
As Tom said its a lengthy process! it takes time for you and your snake to get to know each other if I was to stroke any of my snakes in their tanks they will all flinch if I take one out they are fine as I know the way they react to handling and they know the way I handle them, if I was to give one of my snakes to a mate that was uncomfortable with it I can strait away see my snake become uncomfortble with them! They are all individuals and like all other animals need time to build trust! patience is the key let him call the shots and try to work to his level of confidence im sure over time you will both get to know each other!
i am sorry but snakes are not meant for stroking and petting. they are not a puppy or kitten. and i am strongly against people who treat them that way...
thus being said, thats just my personal opionion.
Wether the snake is a puppy or not is not a constructive answer to the question.
Let the snake go at it’s own pace, when you hold it don’t do it in a way that restrains it, especially at a time when the snake is not used to being handled. You may notice that just by supporting the snake underneath will usually result in less reaction in comparison to if you were touching it’s back. While it’s still stressing it probably isn’t a good idea to ‘pet it’, just let him sit on you. Do it for about 15 minutes once a day or so, as to not stress him out too much. I have an MD and they are a great snake and are frequently recommended as a good beginners snake because of their temperament.
I like your profile picture by the way!
while it is a lengthy process, you do see continual progress.

my 'method' is to make their out of cage time enjoyable, i take them out and let them have a cruise around a different area indoors,, ie clothes stand,... or some time in a sunning cage, or a well supervised (ie a foot away) cruise on the lawn.
or feeding.

my jungles are responding really well to time outdoors atm, while they still hammer me if i pick them up and dont start walking straight outside, once theyve been out for 15 -20 mins i can handle them like my nicer snakes, its an amazing transformation.

with Loki, my oldest (bredli) it took about 6 months for him to stop trying to run away, (sometimes he would, sometimes he wouldnt, its very much a day by day thing for a while) my bredli started wanting to come out of his enclosure. Nowdays hes almost 4 and gets so excited when i get home from work he lifts his head up straight away and starts to move towards me, i open his cage and he moves right onto my hand or shoulder, which ever he can find first.
if hes curled around a log he releases himself to be picked up.
hes such an awesome boy. He generally sits at a good height for a kiss on the nose and i have no hesitation opening his cage and doing just that.

during the time he was still a bit snappy he never stopped eating or started hiding so it seems the stress on him was minimal.

so my advice is keep the actual handling brief for now and make it fun for the snake, clothes racks, pot plants etc are quite safe for a cruise, be careful all all the places they can disappear in a lounge and never take ur eyes off him. he might sit in strike mode for a while when u put him down, so just sit nearby and watch till he starts noticing his surroundings. Ur big and scary and he needs to learn to trust you.
MD's are a great learning snake, generally pretty reluctant to bite. Ive found with the snakes i own that they all generally settle pretty quick the only one ive had dramas with is the scrub. As said before it just takes patience, some are faster than others. Also make sure you give a few days after a feed before picking it up. I agree with farma as ive found my snakes are more settled while im holding them. Good luck
Thanks guys.
Farma: I understand its a learning process for both of us but I feel I am doing something wrong.
Melgalea, I don't wish to play with him like a toy, lol.
I just want to take him out when its time to clean his cage, and maybe also when it comes time to feed or poo. I don't think that unreasonable and I'm sure someone like you would even need to doit once in a while.
AMY22, I think you've hit the nail on the head amy. I haven't been holding him tightly, but I have kind of been cupping him, holding my hands like the letter "U". Should I be holding my hand flat and just let him sit on me? If so, thats one thing that i dont think anyone has told me yet and haven't seen on youtube or any threads.
mate i had the same problem with my new jungle and asked alot of people on here for help

i found that if your scared of him then its not going to like getting held

i was freeking out a bit everytime i went to get him out
but after a good mate came around and showed me not to be scared the jungle is fine with handeling and just take a miniute to calm down then he is fine

just keep at it and be confident with him and he then will relax in time
Magick, i'm only 10 mins from you if your still not having much luck..
one of my lattle Md's was like that at 1st so i know how you feel, but it's not the end of the world..

having secure hides is a must, somewhere they feel safe.
I find mine still quite pissy and flighty when coming up to shed, but usually fine after..
Thanks guys.
Farma: I understand its a learning process for both of us but I feel I am doing something wrong.
Melgalea, I don't wish to play with him like a toy, lol.
I just want to take him out when its time to clean his cage, and maybe also when it comes time to feed or poo. I don't think that unreasonable and I'm sure someone like you would even need to doit once in a while.
AMY22, I think you've hit the nail on the head amy. I haven't been holding him tightly, but I have kind of been cupping him, holding my hands like the letter "U". Should I be holding my hand flat and just let him sit on me? If so, thats one thing that i dont think anyone has told me yet and haven't seen on youtube or any threads.

I find the best way to hold a young python is to lift them out (with or without hook) and place them on one hand. They will hook around you to hold on and if they sit there thats fine, but if they go to cruise away slowly put your empty hand in front for him to move to.
Magick, i'm only 10 mins from you if your still not having much luck..
one of my lattle Md's was like that at 1st so i know how you feel, but it's not the end of the world..

having secure hides is a must, somewhere they feel safe.
I find mine still quite pissy and flighty when coming up to shed, but usually fine after..

TWENTY B, that would be awesome. I will try again with some of my new learnt knowledge from all you guys, and if I am still having issues I'll get in touch with you by PM. I really appreciate the offer :D

As for a hide, there is a Hide built into the hot side of his enclosure which has a door on it for easy access. This is usually where I put my hand in and try to get him out (thats how his last owner did it.)
Theres no other hides in there, I will put a temp one in there for the time being, a box or something until I can go out a proper one.

I find the best way to hold a young python is to lift them out (with or without hook) and place them on one hand. They will hook around you to hold on and if they sit there thats fine, but if they go to cruise away slowly put your empty hand in front for him to move to.
Thanks for the advice. He is quite long though, which is why I have been using two hands. I will try again later today. Thanks guys for all your replies :D
Yeah my girl is bigger now, and over 1 1/2 metres and I still only use 1 hand giving the empty hand as a option to move onto. I find using 2 hands together she usually hand cuffs me with her tail and body then she has no where else to go and I find it difficult to do anything. Also having one hand spare comes in handy if they become wobbly and may let go of you (youngsters), you then have a spare hand to catch them with.
Hi one thing i do is have a plastic or pvc pipe as a hide just hidden behind a rock. They can be brought from any hardware store in different shapes and sizes. Easy to lift out to let yor snake roam and if you want to hold them it is quite slippery for them so it is easy to get them out. As said previously dont hold tight let the snake do its own thing. But do not let out of site.
Thanks, I've had him for just over a month, and I also bought his enclosure from his last owner. He seems to have settled in fine. He's eating well, pooping fine, and didnt have any probs shedding. And the room he is in, he is rarely disturbed.
I sometimes go in there to get my clean laundy.
Otherwise he is left to his own devices most of the time.

you snake will remeber you scent after a while and he will know its you sreight away and he'll become bit more easy going.
AMY22, I think you've hit the nail on the head amy. I haven't been holding him tightly, but I have kind of been cupping him, holding my hands like the letter "U". Should I be holding my hand flat and just let him sit on me? If so, thats one thing that i dont think anyone has told me yet and haven't seen on youtube or any threads.

If you let him crawl around on you casually it would probably be less stressful for him, the more free he feels the more comfortable he will be. I sometimes pick Monty up the way you explained if I’m doing something with my other hand but he doesn’t really like it and starts hissing and carrying on. They don’t need to be flat, just supported enough that they can relax. I think it will also be based on your own confidence, it can be a little intimidating when they are not very placid so you need to remember your confidence.
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