Hatchy on the loose :(

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Jul 25, 2010
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Well my son accidently left the lid off his beloved diamond hatchy's click clack last night & now we have an escapee. Anyone with suggestions on how to find him would be most appreciated.

Particularly useful to know how "high" up we need to look (can they get in the top of built ins?) and how far away do they normally go?? Any suggestions as to fave spots most appreciated.
Most likely be in the same room and usually only 2 metres or so from where they escaped.
On how to find him do a search of the site as there are alot of threads on the subject.
Flour on the floor works well, hatchlings can squeeze into the smallest spaces so look everywhere and anywhere.
hey this happened to my but i found my little guy next to my fish tank that was in the same room as his cage
spots of interest would be in any warm area ie under the fridge near computer tv ect also if you find him put him back in its cage before you lose it again
i found mine and then he thought he would run into a computer desk leg (it was square steel tubing)

good luck trying to find him
Hatchie on the loose,

I have found my escapee's are drawn to warmth, I have found them curled up on the fridge motor, trying to get into the bed, under the bed, diamonds love sunshine, so you may find him sunning himself near a window. Keep doors and windows locked until you get him back and be careful moving things around as you may squash him, by the way I have always found them over the years, so good luck :)
search is your best freindthere will be hundreds of this very same topic should be stickied on tips i see it all the time still no sticky
Well....I just found our escapee, just 5 minutes ago :D
The bugger not only got out between the sliding glass of the enclosure, but pushed out newspaper we had wedged in there to stop him :x:?
He had only been gone for 3 days.

One thing I would suggest, is keep re-searching places you have already looked.
Ours was in the same room, but we had looked and looked in that room, and I would have sworn he was not still there.
Wait until dark, when the house is relatively quiet, get a torch, and start looking.
And go back over the same places again and again.
And don't stress too much. There was a thread earlier today that gave me hope.
A member on here had his Childrens turn up again after nine months :D
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Definitely do a search on here, MM - don't beat yourself (or more so, your son :D) up too much, it happens to most! As a hatchie, he probably escaped, and then thought, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! The World!!!!" and is hiding somewhere close by! Same room, often within a couple of metres of their enclosures. Good luck!
My diamonds don't show their beauty until that morning sun shines into their enclosure. So if you set up a warm spot in a couple of different places in the room you may find him curled up at one of them at some stage early morning, or I guess, anytime of the day. Mine come out at first sunshine in their enclosures so I guess they are keen to warm up after a cold night.

You can try searching, too. He will find the smallest, darkest and confined place he can to curl up and don't forget to check underneath appliances that are sitting on tables or entertainment units. Appliances, when left on are warm and very tight and cosy for little snakes. Even check inside if there are holes that he could fit through, and don't under estimate the smallest gap. Hatchlings are professional escapees. Shoes, pencil cases, inside speakers, under rubbish, are just some thoughts. Diamonds are good climbers. Even my hatchling bredli's spend most of their day perched on the highest branch near the roof of their cage. So if there is a wardrobe in the room, don't be surprised if you happen to find him in a jacket pocket that is hanging up.
Definitely try warm places.

My Stimmy escaped a couple of weeks ago (I've only had him for 5-6 weeks), and I woke up at 2:30am to find he had climbed under the blankets of my bed and was slithering up my leg.. I consider myself very lucky that he decided to jump into bed with me and wake me up.
Don't bother with warm places in the sun - hatchies don't bask. Go around the room and the house with a torch about 30 mins after lights out - and through the night at hourly intervals. Small (young) pythons are highly nocturnal, and they often start to move minutes after it gets dark. They are good climbers, so look everywhere - in drawers, shoes, behind books in bookshelves, along skirtings, wherever there may be warm things like transformers.

Good luck.

Definitely try warm places.

My Stimmy escaped a couple of weeks ago (I've only had him for 5-6 weeks), and I woke up at 2:30am to find he had climbed under the blankets of my bed and was slithering up my leg.. I consider myself very lucky that he decided to jump into bed with me and wake me up.

ha! HE was sizing u up to eat u, lol,.! :p

i've never found mine go towards heat, i have found that if theyve eaten but not pooed they dont go far, but if theyre pooed and are looking fro food again it could be anywhere,...high, low, tiny cracks,...good luck!!

i found my missing one by searching at night with a torch, he was on his way back down behind a tallboy in the room opposite his when i found him,...

if u have gaps under ur doors to outside, find a way to block them off, they can squeeze thru teh smallest space,..

check toasters/kettles/ovens/washing machines/dryers etc before using and the rubbish before u take the bags out, shake out clothes before washing,...jsut be really really careful till hes back where he belongs,..
No luck last night unfortunately :( Tried the torch thing with no luck. Will try again tonight. My poor son is beside himself with guilt & worry.
Don't bother with warm places in the sun - hatchies don't bask. Go around the room and the house with a torch about 30 mins after lights out - and through the night at hourly intervals. Small (young) pythons are highly nocturnal, and they often start to move minutes after it gets dark. They are good climbers, so look everywhere - in drawers, shoes, behind books in bookshelves, along skirtings, wherever there may be warm things like transformers.

Good luck.


+1 agree,good advice
My Stimmie didnt go for warmth either, she was crammed in the smallest possible space, right in the middle of the underneath of my tv cabinet (which is chocked up with little bits of wood.) she was within two metres of her tank as well though, thats really good advice, and to keep looking where you have already looked! I must have looked right at her the first two times I looked there, dont give up would be my advice. good luck!! :)
No luck last night unfortunately :( Tried the torch thing with no luck. Will try again tonight. My poor son is beside himself with guilt & worry.

I'm pretty sure he's learnt it the hard way. Hopefully he doesn't forget again MM! I found mine under the bed if that helps.. Definitely dark places.
my friends spotted escaped, and he found it within the hour, it was casually looking around

its funny that only people with pythons have their snakes escape, hate for a death adder or eastern brown to escape :lol:
lol Lizardboi Im not sure someone would post it if they lost something like that! either that or maybe those that keep the 'dangerous' snakes are alot more 'expieranced' (read paranoid about getting killed!) then we python keepers? LOL I'll probably get shot for that comment ;)
my coastal escaped when he was a hatchie ihad him in a fish tankthe probe for my thermostat made a tiny gap between the tank and lid. was very suprised when i woke up that morning to find the snake gone i went throgh all cage funiture and substrates.he went from the room he was in and into my bedroom he climbed up the cord or pole on a fan, from there he went on a spoon collection rack on the wall and from there onto the top of my wardrobe and curled up under a sports bag. my parents and i look everywhere behind and in the back of fridges under couches and beds in amounst the vanetion blinds though he had gone. i went into my bedroom and noticed a spoon knocked off the rack so ichecked on top the wardrobes and there he was under my bag.
Good luck with finding your snake look for anything moved or out of place sometimes the leave little clues.
My diamond also went missing when she was a hatchie. I came home from holidays to an empty tank. I started moving things around her tank and found her tucked up in one of my hand bags that was on the floor next to the chest of drawers her tank sits on.
So look in tiny spaces that would make a small snake feel safe, even if they appear too small for it to get into.
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