Hatchy on the loose :(

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my childreni yearling somehow escaped from his top lid enclsure. we heard a dog barking and turned the light on (luckily) and there she was chilling on top of her enclosure... good luck finding him\her!
Well after pulling half the damn house apart with no luck I decided to leave things alone & let him come out when he is ready. I walked into my son's room tonight just as it had gotten dark & there he was the little bugger - curled up happily around the foot of my son's bed! I would have SWORN he wasn't in that room as we looked EVERYWHERE! Now I'm wondering if he's been curled up inside the doona the whole time. Just so glad I found him!!!
Told you so.... just after dark... That's a relief for you, and a lesson for the young'un!

very very lucky.. if i ever lost a pet snake i would put a heat mat somewhere secluded with i hide stitting on it.. just for ideas..?
Speaking of escapees I had a 4 ft spottie escape into my my mouse breeding cage and ate 14 mice 5 adults and 9 pinkies that was only 2 metres away from her enclosure...
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