Healthy Pygmy Bearded Dragon + Enclosure.

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Active Member
Jan 4, 2011
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Hey guys,
Just wondering any help or tips on my beardys setup up and health.
Ive noticed that sometimes he looks a bit wrinkly on his sides, is that from dehydration or anything? he has a little pool in there for him aswell which i thought he would drink from and told when he has baths he drinks but never caught him doing either (bought from previous owner).
the basking spot sits at about 36-38 depending on the weather outside, obviously been about 38 past 2 days because of the heat in brissy.
his cooler side is 33 degrees which is the back left side with the light over his pool.
the heat light is a Reptile One 50W Fan Heat Light which he is around 15-20cm from i guess.
That other light over his "cooler" side is a 13W Repti Glo 5.0 UVB.
He comes out every second day for a bath and sits in there for 15-20minutes or so, plus handling everyday, he likes his cuddles all the time and scratches his glass if i dont haha.
Humidity is normal at 50 on a Reptile One hydrometre.
he gets finely grated apple and carrot and the tips of brocolli everyday, aswelll as some peas every now and then, crickets are twice a week, about 3-4 along with his veggies.
Any other info you would like would be fantastic to help me understand if i have a very happy Zilla or i only think he is happy :(

No one?


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My dragons look wrinkly on the sides sometimes and they are all well fed and have good access to water, I wouldn't worry too much, sometimes I think it is just the position they are sitting in at the time. My female EWD looks like that on and off and she eats like a pig, makes good use of her water and drinks fine. She is active and healthy besides that, but I know whjat you mean, when your not sure these things are a worry. I seem to notice wrinkles mainly when she is sitting like a dog if you know what I mean.
lol, no one cares, booooooo! :p
just kidding,..

as long as hes active and alert im sure hes health is fine, his salad could use some improvement though, aim fro leafy greens, bok choy/chinese broc, anything except spinach which stops calcium from being absorbed.
neither carrot, apple or brocolli tips are good staples, but feel free to add them to a healthier mix.

if youre worried about hydration, either mist him, or give water thru a plastic syringe, i add a splash of juice to make it yummier.
ive never seen mine drink from a bowl, or from their bath, but a couple do lap water off the floor of the shower from time to time.

youre little man looks happy to me, my centrals love a good cuddle too! :p
Are you sure thats not too hot for him, cause those last two pictures, it looks like he is trying to get away from the heat.....
hey mate i replied to your other thread for heat related info.
From looking at your enclosure i have a few more suggestions.
Move the food and water bowls from the warm side over to the cool side. The way you have it now will boost humidity which is not good.
Please get him a uvb of 10 preferably a tube light as they are better.
Stack one piece of wood up under the basking lamp
Stack one piece of wood on the other side of the tank.
What thermometers are you using? where are they in the tank?
Thanks for the reply guys took a while haha.
about his cage he has lately been moved to a 3 foot tank, and not in that reptile one tank anymore.
And he has a hide he only ever used it when he went to bed but now he doesnt use it in this new tank.
Groshla now he is in a 3 foor tank, a basking log and a perch thingy under that UVB light.
if you like i can post some pics for you guys to see?
put water up the cool end, beardies dont need humidity and the water needs to stay fresh :)
hey clarke sure mate show us a few pictures. Yes i know that the uvb is a bulb. This is fine but many dragon owners use uvb tubes as tests have proven that they are better for the health of your dragon.
even if he is only little, wouldnt the tubes heat alot of area though, btw i swirtched that fan heat light thing to just a bulb now so maybe it won fan the heat around and get a better heat gradient.
you made the right choice swapping the fan for a bulb. :) You will definately get a better gradient now.

The uvb tube does not release that much heat. It might add 1 or 2 degrees c to your overall temp. The tube main job is to give off uvb light rays which get absorbed in the dragon skin. It is necessary for them to get this to help them process calcium and develop correctly. So its not for heat its for health. The basking light is the one you use to provide heat.
Ok here is some pics i recently had the 50W fan heater from reptileone now i have a 50w sunglo in there to try stop the air flow from the fan to get a better heat gradient.

I only have 5.0 uvb right now in the bulb, what would you recommend?


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-i would recommend a 50w-60w globe for a basking light. Any normal globe is good like the one you would use in your house. Just make sure it isn't an energy saver as they give off little to no heat.

-i would recommend a 2ft reptisun10 or arcadia12 tube for uvb light. You will need a fixture and globe. I would place it across the top of the tank running length wise. Some people mount them on the inside of their tank by heavy duty velcro tape etc. Either way your dragon should be within 6-8 inches of this new tube light for a healthy life.
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