Heating for my GTP ClickClack Question

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Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2009
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Hi everyone,
Just had a question about heating my gtp clickclack.
Unfortunately, I sent the Mrs out to go get me a heatpad, and not only did she get something complete wrong, she made sure I wouldn't be able to get a refund, lols, God bless her :)

She bought an Exo Terra Substrate heater for Glass Terrariums only, the kind with adhesive that you stick to the outside of the terrarium. Anyways, she cannot find the reciept, and she trashed the packaging so it would fit into her handbag, lols
I'm not even gonna mention how much it costs, lol

My question, is this product salvagable in any way to use on my click-clack? At least its the right size. I was thinking can I attach it directly to the tub? I assuming if I run it through my thermostat it wouldnt get hot enough to melt the plastic, would it? Or Even tape some glass to the bottom of the tub and attach it to that?

What do you guys think?
I could be wrong but I don't see any problem with it if it's thru a thermostat.. My now ex ran a heat cord all night plugged straight into the wall without even warping a click clack (thank god!) as long as he's got room to move somewhere cooler it should be fine.
Ok, I set the mat up, hooked it up to the thermostat (switching habistat) and am ready for a test run.

Ive laid paper towel along the floor of the tub, and given the tub a good misting. I have also put a small water bowl on the hot side (not directly on the mat though, being a glass bowl I don't want the water heating up, right?)

I've set the thermostat to 28o and have placed 1 thermometer probe next to the thermostat probe, and another on the cool side.

I've just switched it on, have I forgotten anything guys?

After running all night long, the air above the mat has only made it to 19o, the other sides temp is unaffected. It is too small I guess, but its not a total waste. I guess I can use it during cold nights to keep it at 19o, and make the other end the hot end. Just need to get another thermostat for night time.
In the meantime, I am waiting for a heat cord that I have ordered to arrive.

Ok, it is now a couple hours later and its gone up by 2 degrees.
Just wondering how long a tub the has been sprayed down with cold water takes to heat up?
I opened the tub this morning, which would mean if it was in the process of heating up, it would start again?
I'll keep an eye on in throughout the day, hopefully it will heat up more throughout the day, but at the moment it is only at 21o
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I am certainly no expert with GTPs, but I found the best way to heat a tub for these guys is to use a desk lamp (with a coloured 40W globe and thermostat) next to the tub shining either onto the lid or through the side next to a perch to create the warm air, floor heating setups for other snakes will not work here because the snake stays on a perch for the majority of its time
I thought that wouldnt matter.
As long as the thermostat is set near the perch at the right temp, it should be all good right?

Does anyone else use lamps on there tubs? This technique makes me curious, since I don't need to buy anything else if that lamp setup works.

Ive been waiting for my heat cord to arrive, but when I ckecked on it yesterday, the dude that runs the online shop told me he was away, and would send it out when he gets back on the weekend. Sucks since I shouldve recieved it by now :(

Feedback on this lamp on tub technique pls guys :)
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I used a lamp on our baby for 5 months. The only precaution was having an audible alarm on the thermostat in case a lamp blew out during a cold night.
Regards Bob
If your investing in a GTP I'd suggested you purchase a decent thermostat such as a pulse or dimming.

I've never used lamps on tubs, heat cord has always done the trick. Be sure that you do your research with regards to ventilation and humidity before purchasing your GTP.
I should mention I also had a run of heat cord under the tub combined with the lamps

Thanks for clarifying :)
I'm still messing about with tubs and heatmats. The heatmat my mrs got only raises the temp a little. 19o at night, 22o in the day. I figured I'll keep it there for the cold nights.

In the meantime I'm waiting for my heatcord to arrive so I can make sure I got everything ok.

OK guys, I just recieved my heatcord in the mail today.
Just wondering the best way to attach it to the tub?
I was just gonna tape it to the bottom using some masking tape, can I use any type of tape/adhesive to stick it to the bottom? Or will the heat cause it to come undone?
Maybe I should I head over to the shops and grab some duct tape or something along those lines.
Any guidance would be appreciated :)
Keen to test this sucker out being my first click-clack attempt. I know my GTP is still months away, but I am keen as, lol

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Also, is my switching habistat thermostat ok? Or should I go and get a pulse or dimming thermostat as MrBoyd has suggested?
Kev :)

I have just used some electrical tape to tape my heatcord to the bottom of my tub on the outside.
Here's a pic, does it look ok?

Have I used too much tape? Or not enough?
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Does the heatcord work? What temps are you getting?

Well, right on the floor of the click clack the temps are ok, but the rest of it seems unheated. The lowest perches above the heat cord read about 22. Tried covering some of the holes up but not much luck :(
I can put the thermostat probe on the perch, but the the floor of the click clack is almost cooking when I do that.
IMO with a tub and heat, you have to get a decent wattage or you wont get enough heat. I use 80 watt heat cord for my GTP tubs. You are also aiming for the whole tub to be warm with a "warmer" hot end. My tubs range from 30 to 28. If you don't have a heated room for the tub, you are going to have to wrap the tub with some sort of insulation or you will have a very centralised hot spot on the bottom of the tub and the rest of the tub will be cold (plastic does not insulate at all). I used to wrap tubs in an old doona. You can also try putting the tub inside another enclosure which you can heat to 26 or so. Bottom line is if you cant keep the whole tub warm you are going to have problems.
i have run heat cord on the bottom of the tank but found that my ambient temps werent that great.
i have found that contact heat is the key to great digestion as apposed to air temp heat that can fluctuate alot.
so what did i do?
i got some 10mm electrical condute and put it from one end of the tank to the other through the sides of the click clack then ran a heat cord through it.
with the heat cord going through the condute/artificial branch just once its sits on 30 degrees all the time.
simple and easy.
The heated perch sounds like a clever idea, but in there natural conditions they wouldn't have a heated perch would they? My floor temp my tub is 31 to 33 n at perch hight it's 30 with the cool end at 28
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