Night time temps?? Temps in general??

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Not so new Member
Sep 23, 2021
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Hello fam ❤️ long time no see

Short update before I get into it; Casper the lil marbled children’s python passed away about a year and a bit ago, vets said we can find out what happened if we autopsy him but we opted to just cremate him. He didn’t get much bigger in the year we did have him and he passed away eventually that year.

On to happier news, we got a new snake, but because of what happened with casper I’m not Uber paranoid and stressed about everything.

Her name is Saffron, she’s an albino top end python and I tried to search and read as much as I could on here but I still have questions;

1. The guy at the shops said the hot end needs to get to 36, our thermostat has only ever maxed at 34 and we’ve got the highest wattage bulb that our current enclosure can handle. He also didn’t say what temp the cool end should be at or what night time temps we should look for other than “don’t let it get below 20”

The enclosure is 90cm x 60cm x 45cm
Wooden sides, glass sliding doors, vent on the top of the back wall

She’s got a hide in the warm spot. A hide in the cool spot, and we gave her a bigger water bowl at the cool end coz she looked like she couldn’t fit in her original one but I think this one might be too big?

Currently hot end is at 33.2 and cool end is at 27.8, IR gun reading on the lil top of the basking hide is at 34.0 on the inside of the hide is reading 29.5

2. She does this weird thing where she basically stands up along the back corner of the enclosure, vertically, is she okay? Is she just exploring? Should I be concerned that when I googled it star gazing came up??

Also unlike Casper this one eats, and she’s peeing and she’s done her first poo so I’m not too worried about that side of things. Photos attached, her enclosure is a bit vanilla right now, she’s currently smushed herself in the pale log at the warm end of the enclosure. I’ve got some smol trees (see pics) that I’m getting heavy bases put on coz…Casper couldn’t knock ‘em over but she did immediately.

And yes the plan is to move her to a bigger enclosure eventually :)


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. She does this weird thing where she basically stands up along the back corner of the enclosure, vertically, is she okay? Is she just exploring? Should I be concerned that when I googled it star gazing came up??
It's prob because she wants to explore. I recommend adding leaf litter, a dead bush, and maybe a couple of logs not just the one branch. Everything else seems perfect.
It's prob because she wants to explore. I recommend adding leaf litter, a dead bush, and maybe a couple of logs not just the one branch. Everything else seems perfect.
Thank you so much! She hasn’t been doing the weird ceiling staring since we put some trees in there, we’re going to go get some plastic plants to add some enrichment in there and to make the tank less…brown 😂


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