Help! Bearded Dragon Baby Isn't Eating

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Active Member
Apr 15, 2012
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guysnI just got my first reptile (10 week old beardie) yesterday and I went to feed him today but he won't eat his woodies, the way I fed him was I put him in a click clack that had 5 woodies in it then I put the click clack in his enclosure (I didn't let woodies straight in enclosure cause the could burrow) but he just woodn't eat is it because he wasn't warm enough because the lights were off all night because my infa red light blew out I did put him in his basking light for a while but put him with the food a little after his head rose or is the reason just that he is stressed out because he did a lot of moving around yesterday cause when we got him home we put him in the enclosure to warm him up but then took him out to take out most of the sand because we were told that we had to much in there, I don't know what to do.
Just give him a day or two to settle in, no biggie
feed him in his enclosure don't worry about feeding in a tub that could stress him out.
Get him a basking light for the day and get the temp on that basking spot to 45 degrees c.
Then get a uvb light with a 10.0 rating and let him get within 15-20cm of that.
Don't use any lights or heat at night unless the ambient room temp falls below 15degrees c.
Also, full stops. Need to invest in some full stops.
My young beardie didn't eat properly for a week when she first arrived. Now she's a pig. Just make sure you've got the correct heating and lighting (as others have described above), and places for your beardie to hide, and the chances are he will eat when he's settled in.
so just leave him to his own devics for a day or so, um also with feeding in enclosure won't woodies climb out or burrow.
yes leave it be for a while , to slow down live food [ crickets and roaches] put them in the fridge for 5- 10 mins ..... make sure the live food isnt too big for the beardie [ no bigger then the width of its head]
Thanks for the help guys he just skoft 6 woodies 1 by 1 as i put them in his enclosure, he seems to be settling quite well.
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