HELP! Beardie Help.

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Not so new Member
Mar 2, 2011
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Hey, i just introduced two new baby beardies in with my original baby beardie and they were fine jusst watching each other, the original one was in his Tree. Then when i put some food into the tank, the original one went and ate. Then the two others came over to eat aswell and he went to attack them? What can i do to make it safe for the newer babies?
please help.
Umm remove them would be best. Otherwise at least feed them separately. I don't mean to target you but I think you should read this kind of stuff before doing that and even if you do decided to house them together surely you would have learnt what to do if problems arise..? Anyway hope all goes well with the new fellas.
I did remove them...Asif i would leave them in there. & My original one was with a friend when my friend had him and he hasnt been alone for long so thats why i thought id get him a friend or to. Thanks, for not much help :)
& People have told me that more then one is good, because you see things that they normally dont do on their own.
i keep beardies together, but spend alot of time introducing them slowly before they live togther full time.

my beardies have never torn limbs or killed each other. i did once have 2 boys have a little fight, but its like having a pack of wild dogs, one has to be alpha and the other males must submit and everyone can live happily ever after. the 2 boys i put together one is dominant and one is very submissive, so i knew it would work out. and it did they have been living together for a year with only one fight small fight in the begining.

with my 3 females and 1 male 10 month to 18 month olds i have never had a fight, as long as they have heaps of food and space their is no reason to fight. plus personality is a big factor. all are great and non agressive to each other.

though beardies don't need friends and can live happily on their own and if they clash then you need 3 enclosures.

keeping beardies together is not recomended to an inexperienced keeper.
I've seen people keep beardies together for years only to have one turn on the other and maim or even kill its cage mate. They don't need friends, they are solitary creatures, the females also don't need to be constantly mated by the resident male from an age that is too young either. Baby beardies can be quite vicious with each other so unless you can provide separate housing for all three if needed, I would be rehoming some of them.
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