HELP? Common Knowledge for Reptiles in Pet Stores

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Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2009
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Sad Rock.
Hi all :)

i might have a job in a new pet store thats opened up, just waiting for their licence to come through and they said theyll most likely contact me for a position, as they dont have anyone to deal with the herps as of yet, and im the only one thats put forward an interest.

just some general questions and knowledge i'd like to make sure i know, i know they seem like ammature questions, but ive only dealt with jungles, darwins, baby coastals and blueys so far, and i dont want to be one of those store people who when they get asked questions like "how old is it, etc" they answer with "i dont know"

so here goes :D

average length of adult:
bearded dragons?
frill necked lizards?

i thought all the snakes were average about 4-5 feet, and the lizards about 15-20 inches? (assuming cuz thats the size of my adult blueys)

also, how long does it take them all to grow to full length?

and another question, the afformentioned snakes, theyre the only type commercial shops can sell right? because ive had someone tell me another shop is trying to get in jungles, darwins and MDs, i didnt think that was allowed?

also, any information about the needed habitats for penny and macquarie turtles would be helpful!

and lastly, what do you feed hatchling snakes, in case they get given to the shop before theyre ready to eat pinky mice? someone told me it was pinky mice tails? if so, how many of them at each feed?

and whats a good way to get them eating if they are being stubborn?

sorry about all the questions, im just really keen to know everything to be the most helpful to new herpers!

thanks guys :)
okay, so "eastern long neck turtle" is a little longer to type

but theyre still commonly sold as pennys, right?

I don't wish to sound negative but are you sure you have the relative experience to take on the sole responsibility of the reptile department, for the animals sake don't bite of more than you can chew. A quick post on APS is not going to get you qualified. If it is the career path you wish to take then start at the bottom and learn everything you can so you can be the best at what you do biting of to much can be disheartning if you don't succeed and would be a shame for someone that obviously has a passion for herps
ok, beardies, from my experience grow to around 50 cms, coastals grow up to 3.6, but will rarley reach that long, average is around 2.5. reckomend coastals to all who come to the stoor! btw, whats the store called?
to steve1 - i appreciate your concern, and agree :) but the store isnt looking for a 'head of reptiles specialist', theyre only looking for someone willing to work on the standard wage same as every other kid in the store and like reptiles enough to deal with then to the customers who want them. the man who owns the store, his wife works there as well and she cant stand the reptiles, and i think that if theyre going to just hire someone who like reptiles, id prefer that that person at least knew all the general knowledge to answer questions. their 'fish expert' boy there is only 16, and isnt qualified, just knows his stuff about fishies. this town is pretty herp retarded. the only other store that has reptile here, sells spotteds, childrens, bluetongues and bearded dragons. i went there the other day and the girl didnt even know what snakes were in which tank! i had to tell her :S
to bricked - thanks :D

should i get in touch with cms and m, instead of feet and inches XD haha, probably a good idea, but almost every herper i know uses feet and inches lol

and its a new chain of Pet World, just opened in town, the store is massive! bigger than any pet store ive seen lol
to steve1 - i appreciate your concern, and agree :) but the store isnt looking for a 'head of reptiles specialist', theyre only looking for someone willing to work on the standard wage same as every other kid in the store and like reptiles enough to deal with then to the customers who want them. the man who owns the store, his wife works there as well and she cant stand the reptiles, and i think that if theyre going to just hire someone who like reptiles, id prefer that that person at least knew all the general knowledge to answer questions. their 'fish expert' boy there is only 16, and isnt qualified, just knows his stuff about fishies. this town is pretty herp retarded. the only other store that has reptile here, sells spotteds, childrens, bluetongues and bearded dragons. i went there the other day and the girl didnt even know what snakes were in which tank! i had to tell her :S

No worries it just sounded like you were going to be the only one there with any idea at all = you would be left with them as your responsibility. Hope it works out for you it's actually an appealing job to me, I think it would be quite enjoyable, though Ive still got a fair bit of learning to do myself. Good luck
at least hes absennce of someone with some experience in herps, the shop would probably have no herps at all. at least its somwhere were we can get herp stuff :)

im a girl :p lol

and actually, theyre getting their licence whether or not they have people who know anything about them or not! :S which is why when i found out i talked to the owner and was like, uhm...ive got a bit of experience and a huge passion for reptiles, hire me? lol
ok well, frill necks grow abit bigger than beardeds but not by alot. they need a standed inclosure, but quite tall.
for snakes to grow around full lenghth (if feeing once a week) in around 7 or so years.
PM sent.

didnt read the rest, just told ya the basics :) you shouldnt need to know about coastals, most shops dont sell em.

if you look up a basic care sheet on the animals i PM'd you with and learn it, you should be right. Just be ready for the seemingly idiotic people you get, and there is definately no such thing as a penny turtle.
ok well, frill necks grow abit bigger than beardeds but not by alot. they need a standed inclosure, but quite tall.
for snakes to grow around full lenghth (if feeing once a week) in around 7 or so years.
I thought snakes never stop growing, no offence but how much experience do you really have?
I thought frill necks average 75cm total length and beardies only 45cm?
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I was in a Herp shop just yesterday and someone was asking about penny turtles, the owner of the store was half way through giving an adequate explanation when a customer butted in and said that if you want penny then just feed it hardly ever and never change the water, he also stated that it was perfectly fine to do this :rolleyes:
Needless to say the shop keeper and i were shocked and quickly told him he was an idiot for recommending such a cruel practice
lol penny turtles

well if your the best they got that will have to do at least you will learn getting thrown in the deep end,it is a shame that there is no requirment to have knowledge of reptiles to have a licence to sell them.
you need to read,books,lots of them.Every book on the husbandry of the species they sell.Keeping and breeding Australian pythons edited by mike swan is a great one that comes to mind.
You wont be able to tell the age of reptiles from there size reliably.
wow geckoman, thats shocking :shock:

and thanks snakepimp, :) the shops dont have any books here, but im going down to brisbane in a wek, and ill be stocking up on the books there!

mike swan has been added to the mental data base to buy :D
I thought snakes never stop growing, no offence but how much experience do you really have?
I thought frill necks average 75cm total length and beardies only 45cm?
i didnt say they grow to full size and stop, i just said that they just grew to the average adult lenght in that time. theres two other deminsions that they can grow. and your right about the frillys, i googled it. the zooceaper made a mistake.
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