HELP! completely new

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New Member
Dec 23, 2010
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found what appeared to be a snake in our backyard, it looked like it had been ripped in half. After looking around on the net it turned out to be a burton's legless lizard and had dropped its tail. I am totally new to keeping reptiles but would like to start. All I've found is that it eats mostly skinks, but sometimes bugs and pinkies. Could anyone please help me out with the basics of keeping this guy (how to set up an environment, how often to feed and so on). Help would be much appreciated! Thanks in advance. :D
you have to let him go or call a wild care person. you cant just keep a wild animal its illegal...
Howdy mate.

Firstly great find, but unfortunately you will have to release him, it's illegal and working with an adult animal that is already stable on a wild diet of skinks will be hard to wean onto pinkie mice or rats.

Feeding these guys are hard unless you have a constant source of skinks or have had them weaned onto pinkies.
yes you will have to release it, but if you like reptiles, its easy to get a licence then you can keep almost anything you like. Herp keeping is an awesome hobby.
yes you will have to release it, but if you like reptiles, its easy to get a licence then you can keep almost anything you like. Herp keeping is an awesome hobby.

thats fairly misleading for new comers man , you cannot simply take any animal you please from the environment you Must purchase or receive via a licensed breeder

As it has been said what you plan to do is highly illegal and i would not recommend it as the fines for taking animals from the wild without prior permits are quite large and my advice is let him go where you found him if your interested in keeping one place an add in the forums and act accordingly
i thinks its a given for the fact that we have all said that he cant take a wild animal and keep it, and im sure he knows that reptiles are bred in captivity as pets.
but if u gettin it back to healthy again give it some heat and usual envirment just keep doing what ur doing with food being wild will be hard to get to eat, feed it like twice a week
but if u gettin it back to healthy again give it some heat and usual envirment just keep doing what ur doing with food being wild will be hard to get to eat, feed it like twice a week

It probably has a better chance of survival in its natural environment, as opposed to being in the hands of someone with absolutely no knowledge whatsoever as to how to keep it alive - no offence intended.
depending on what state you live in, if you live in queensland you go to ecoaccess website and fill in a form online and pay via credit card or whatever, it will state payment methods, and yeah, read up on and decided what licence you want and fill it out. You might have to call them depending on the type of licence but the website will tell you all you need to know and if you live in another state then call your environmental wildlife people and ask, they will be able to direct you on where to go.
camera not wanting to co-operate means no photos :(
I know I should release him where I found him, however we have 2 cats that stay in the backyard, one of which will definitely find him and eat him. what should I do?

EDIT: pretty sure the cat i spoke of above made him lose his tail
He will most likely be fine.
If they're your cats bring them inside.
If not just release as far away as possible but still on your property
ok, however I cant find the cats.... I will keep them inside tomorrow morning when they appear for breakfast, and release him then.
Allowing your cat to roam is 100% irresponsible. Your cats should be contained 24/7. Our wildlife has a right to exist. Cats are a menace and our wildlife has no defences against them. It's not fair. As an experience wildlife carer specialising in reptiles I would be very surprised if this animal hasn't also been clawed and/or bitten in which case, without anti-biotics it is going to die. Cats carry large loads of bacteria and infect everying they pierce. It could take weeks but it will die a slow death. I have seen a blue tongue that lasted for months after being bitten by a dog. I thought it had received anti-biotics as it had been in care for some weeks elsewhere and had been to a vet when first injured. As it turned out, nothing was administered and it litterally rotted away internally and one day it cracked open and the smell was disgusting. Please contain your cats.
Your cats should be inside 24/7.
I've got the rest of my family behind this when I showed them my Coastal eating a large quail about the same size of our new kitten.
AHAH, depends in SA cats can't roam at the day time they get swooped by the native myna's my cat stays under the car. He can't go inside unless locked in a room because of my mothers stupid dog.
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