Okay, I'm a newbie (or whatever you want to call us) and here's a story that happened to me in the last few Months!
Purchased a thermostat for $60 off eBay from Reptile direct about a month ago and it's failed me on the 3 separate occasions I've tried to use it.
Since I've purchased it I've been told a few different stories on how to use it and set it up etc from people on here who obviously think and claim that they're experts but Ive realised have no idea what they're doing after seeking professional advice...
Now because I'm using a heat source that emits light I've only just found out that I have the wrong thermostat and I should be using a dimming thermostat not an on/off version. I wish someone had told me this before I went ahead and bought it. So there's something to think about to the person who originally lost this thread..
Anyway, so instead I've just been running a 100W night bulb without a thermostat in a 4 FT enclosure for about 2 months now while I sort out my thermostat problem and my temps have been terribly low due to the fact I'm trying to heat such a large space with only 1 heat source I guess. But in saying this I wouldn't run the 100W in anything smaller than a 3FT without the thermostat at all. At least with the 4FT it had enough ventilation to not catch fire. Aside from that no drama in the over heating department the only thing is it blew on me Tuesday night for no apparent reason. Could have over heated or somethIng, I'm not too sure.
So the next day I head over to the pet shop and buy a 150W bulb thinking 'yeah this will be great, much more effective in a bigger enclosure, maybe I can find a way to use the thermostat with it and I'll have happy days!'
Well. The thermostat once again failed me so decided to let the bulb run on its own for a little bit while monitoring it having no idea about the amount of heat 150W bulb was capable of!! The 150W bulb was reaching temperatures over 50 degrees when I checked it in under 30 minutes! If I had left it without a thermostat it would have cooked my shake and possibly set my house on fire and trust me that is not fun! It's happened to me before with a faulty power point!
So even though this is my first snake and I shouldn't be giving advice as such, I just want to say that there is a lot of different information on here and if I had just listened to the person who said 'she'll be right' I'd probably have a cooked snake and another house fire on my hands!
Now from the common sense and educated side of my brain, using a high temperature heat source in a small space without a thermostat to control and maintain a safe temperature.. What a stupid, STUPID idea in general. Why don't you just tell people to light a little camp fire in there! Should do the same job right?
So my advice is if you're running a light emitting bulb or a ceramic heater that is 100W or greater in a smaller space than a 4FT enclosure than buy a habistat dimming thermostat. I have read on here and on the website that they are the actual proper thermostat to be using with these type of heat sources! They also expand the life of your light bulb and because they are 'dimming' thermostats they won't turn your heat light on and off all the time causing unnecessary stress to the reptile and annoyance of flickering lights to you! Now I wish someone had told me this before!!!!!
I'll post a link to the one I'm in the process of buying. It's a little expensive but I've already tried the cheap one and I've learnt the hard way!
The Herp Shop - Australia
Look for dimming thermostat!! Down the bottom!
Also in the future it might be a better idea to be a little more informative about your situation such as your set up, types of animal etc to prevent the earful of arguments I just read lol.
Anyway. That's my informative and non argumental piece =)
I just googled an electricty cost calculator like this one here and it worked out well for me!!
Electricity Cost Calculator