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Aug 13, 2010
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South Australia
one of my baby rabbits (9wks old) has calicivirus (its mum and one of its siblings died from it on wednesday 29th, but the cage and as many things as possible were disinfected asap, they were also moved into another cage.
this little baby has had calici since january 1 but its not like the other cases. (the mum and other baby died within 4-6 hours) this one has lasted more than 48 hours. this one also has blood clotting from its bum but its stopped just a few hours ago.
is this a sign of recovery. since it hasnt eaten for the last 2 days its become a bit weak, is the weakening jsut because of not energy from food or is it the virus getting worse. what can i give it to give it more energy.... its sugar mixed with water going to give it a boost?
please help me:cry:
I have no idea, the only advice I would give you is to house them all separately and do a major clean after feeding them. After your sure they are fine put them together.
I know I may be stating the obvious but get them to a vet! I'm learning to be a wildlife carer atm and sugar and water was an oldschool thing in the meantime before getting home to propper formula's or whatever but I have been told NOT to do it so not sure if it would be the same for rabbit's?...
yeah. ive been to the vet with the mum and they gave her and injection to give her more energy and and hour after i got her home she passed. and since its been holidays and so and so the vetinary clinic hasnt been open. i plan on going there tomorrow to see if they have a formula i can use to boost the little ones energy. do you know roughly how much it would be to vaccinate rabbits for calici and or myxomatosis?
I wouldn't have a clue about pricing but it will need a vitamin K injection to stop the clotting I have used in the past powerade in the past with my herps as it's simular to an electrolite but water it down and only give small amounts if you are going to try it - I'm not an expert and don't know egzactly how safe it is but I have mentioned it to my vet before I could get herps to him that needed hydrating and he did say it would be alright short term
alright. the bad thing there is that i don't have any powerade at the moment but ill go and have a chat to the vet tomorrow and see what happens. well the blood isnt coming out of its bottom anymore is this a good sign to you think? or would it mean clotting more inside?
Don't stress I don't really think there is anything you can do, just get it to the vet asap. I don't know if that's a good or bad thing about the clotting as I said I'm not an expert- I've had many mishaps along the way with my tribe of animals and have just learnt as I go along... just keep it warm and secure and try not to stress to much
ok. thank you so much. ive had it inside for the last 2 days on the lounge on a towel with water and feed which it isnt eating. ive steam cleaned everything i can today to try eliminate the virus as best as possible since ive got another 9 rabbits in the backyard. but i dont think i could stress anymore, ive been staying up until 3.30am the last 2 days babysitting it and comforting it. poor thing!!
thanks once again!
no worries good to see someone who loves their animals as much as me : p sleepless nights are part and parcel lol you are doing all you can, as long as you keep it clean and warm until morning when you see the vet you should be right, don't push the food it will just stress it out and use energy that it doesnt have by the sounds of it
The C-Virus is spred by mozzies and as such if one has got it
they all may well have it.
Once its contracted most will die from it.
There is an imunisation against it but this will only be of help for any new rabbits
you get as they are done at weaner size and require booster shots every 12 months.
If its contracted, its too late. Its a terrible thing to die from. Sorry it happened:( Take it to the vet
My sisters rabbit got sick and the vet told us to buy like human electrolytes and her rabbit is good as new now
the little rabbit when down hill very quickly last night and i except it not to make it through the day. the other rabbits arnt showing any signs of having it but i need to disinfect everything over again lots of times.

---------- Post added 04-Jan-11 at 10:22 AM ----------

little fella just passed moments ago. rest in peace to the little one
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