Help!!!!!! Mites!!!!!

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sounds like a bad shed to me but hey you can never be to safe.

orange medic was good stuff to use about 10yrs ago if you knew what you where doing other wise you would kill your snake and was a lot of work when you did use i strongly sugest to stay a way from it as i have seen a lot of very bad outcomes from not being used properly.

the only thing you should use is top of decent it is safe and very easy to use and even if you are not a 100% if your snake has mites it will not hert to give it a spray anyway just follow the instructions on the back of the can.........jmo.

has anyone heard of orange medic its a substance used to get rid or headlice my uncle said to use it and he has had thousands of snakes before. he said to spray everything in the enclosure and the snake with half of it and half water
Sounds like a lot of overreacting to me...

If it IS mites... it's no big deal... just use Top of Descent... make sure you remove the water bowl before spraying, and don't put it back in for at least 24 hours... if the TOD gets in their water and they drink it, it could cause issues.

It most likely isn't... try placing a container full of wet paper towel in the enclosure around the time of the next shed... that will help if it's humidity related...

The last thing you want to do is go in with guns blazing and do more harm than good.
If it's eating fine, and not spending all its time in the water bowl, it'll be fine.
Best thing for a bad shed, wise man once told me "Bath them in warm water and mix in some camomile tea" Apparently works wonders
i got my male coastal out last night and was covered in white specks. the first thing i thought was poo from mites but when i looked closer there was 1 little white thing running around and mites are suppost to be black arn't they? so i was just wondering could that still be mites?
has anyone heard of orange medic its a substance used to get rid or headlice my uncle said to use it and he has had thousands of snakes before. he said to spray everything in the enclosure and the snake with half of it and half water

Half and half is too strong. More like to be 50:1 not 50/50.I have heard lots of bad stories but never directly from someone with evidence of problems caused by Orange Medic. It may be just another internet fact which becomes truer every time it is written?
i got my male coastal out last night and was covered in white specks. the first thing i thought was poo from mites but when i looked closer there was 1 little white thing running around and mites are suppost to be black arn't they? so i was just wondering could that still be mites?

Blow on the white specks. If the blow away, then they aren't mite droppings. Mite droppings stick to the scales quite well.

Mites can have a grey/brown/black colouration.
mites have a clear apperance when they are young and turn dark when they feed on your snake

oh ok then yer some of the white dots rub off. but some are stuck on there pritty good. i'll keep a good eye on him then. thanks serpenttongue and jason for ya help
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