help my angled head

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Not so new Member
Jan 21, 2008
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:(help my angle head dragon has stopped eating even froce feeding is not working:cry:
they tend to sulk when something in the enclosure has changed or for no reason at all. don't panic they can last weeks without a feed. just leave it and it will come back to its normal self soon.
also how old is it?
Yeh i'm in the process of finally getting my 1st southern angle headed after much research!! and i read somewhere that they can even get to the stage where they look dead and some owners have almost gone to dispose of their animal unaware that it's actually still alive! :shock: what i want to know is...why do they do this? i have a frilly that will sulk if things are changed in his enclosure but he always comes round eventually :D so what makes the forest dragon do this? does anyone know?
yer well i got central beardies one male three females and two male henerylawsoni beardies and about four weeks ago i put them all in a new enclosure and one of the females has sat in the corner and not moved or eaten since been in there i dont know mabye just cranky females
i think with mine it was just the move to new home but yer food temp number of things could set it off one of my other females went like that four three days before laying her clutch
yep prob wants a female;) it will be fine try feeding in a couple of days just leave it an it should come back to normal. also what size cage?temps? and humidity?has it sulked before?they will usually do this every now probably because they don't get there way in the lizard world so they have a little sook:D
i think with mine it was just the move to new home but yer food temp number of things could set it off one of my other females went like that four three days before laying her clutch

Perhaps there is too many in there and it's getting bullied??
about three days ago

three days and your force feeding?? how about just leaving it alone, a good chance it just isn't hungry.
If there is something stressing it already by forcefeeding your doing far more harm than good. Reptiles don't eat every day, leave it be for a week if it's not losing weight then don't worry.
do you think he needs a friend if so were do i get a female around the same age from cause the place we got him from was a 1 off thing
prob doesnt need a friend he's just having a little sook :D he will not start to loose weight until about 2-3 weeks. just leave him for 3 days and try again.does it have its eyes closed? or still active
I agree with Splitmore, trying to force feed it might stress the animal out even more.

If you do get concerned take a syringe, suck up some food such as Hills Science A/D formula or even baby food etc, and syring a drop on the end of the mouth. It will lick it up and then want more.

Just be patient with them.

also agree with Splitmore and Simone force feeding will just make it not feed for longer
To calm my reptile partners frilly when changing the habitat i did the curtain system....

covering the front of the habitat with 2 heavy old curtains & every 2nd day folding the middle back only a inch each at a time... this helps the shyest of species...hopefully it could help yours

with feed leave only safe live that wont escape in the habitat...& as i dont know about angle headed im hoping they eat mealworms...or defrosted rodent

only go to the habitat to replace food & clean at the same time quickly as you can but not to aggressively

when the animal seems to be looking out of his habitat & not depressed or regressed ...then carry on as usual.

hope this may help
My male would only eat once a week or so during the breeding season, less at times.
i have a large male who sooks at times.. he doesnt like a cage change, they also dont like being in a busy area eg walkway kitchen and so on..
just let it settle for a while.
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