Help my diamond gets agresive

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Not so new Member
Apr 11, 2009
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hi to every one
i have a 7 foot diamond and we have moved a few times but have been at last address for 2 months now .
he was good at the last address and when i went to get him out there he would try to get away .
BUT now he is very fisty and looks like he wants to bite every thing he sees . i would like some help to get him back to his normal self as i realy dont want to sell him i went to hrab him the other night and got tagd lol my fault tho as he wasnt expecting it and was due to feed please help me
hmm, my diamonds kinda moody too, are urs female too, lol??

i got bitten twice in 2 weeks a while back (ouch) and decided something must be wrong, i felt down her body and almost get bitten again when i found the lump

turns out seh was pretty constipated and sore when i touched near her vent,..

a few days later she passed something close to a golf ball and has been friendlier since,..then again she went into strike mode this morning when i changed her water,...didnt go fro me, but i could see she was keen,..shes generally more bluff than anything,..
hi to every one
i have a 7 foot diamond and we have moved a few times but have been at last address for 2 months now .
he was good at the last address and when i went to get him out there he would try to get away .
BUT now he is very fisty and looks like he wants to bite every thing he sees . i would like some help to get him back to his normal self as i realy dont want to sell him i went to hrab him the other night and got tagd lol my fault tho as he wasnt expecting it and was due to feed please help me

That is the only time I won't handle my snakes, i'd get tagged by each & every one of them if I put my hand in their enclosure at night time:lol:
I am with you there - i only handle my 10 yr old and 18 month old carpet pythons during the day, and i wonder what you were cleaning the windows with? perhaps he didn't like the smell?
strange, my girl bites in daylight hours, she just wants to come out and cruise around at night.
I'll lend you my female water python, you won't be worried about your diamond after that.
haha, at least shes still small,..

looking forward to getting hammered by ur woma! :)
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