Help needed please!

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Genltemen I would like to welcom our newest herp addict to the obsession. Weather it was you sons intention or not I will leave for you to debate.

Snakes are wonderful creatures and great company.
I don't think you should've fed it. A good conditioned snake can go for a long time with no food and maybe shut your window just in case.
dont leave the toilet seat up either.... it may just S7303755.JPGas RBB said a very basic plastic roller box is the best idea, heat mat under 1/3 of the box gives you a hot & cold gradiant...
I’ve decided it’s a boy!
And yes, it would have been much easier if he could have left it at his place. His wife would have got rid of it though.
Cell – mobile, same piece of annoying crap! I was watching telly at the time, it’s all American. I live on the Sunny Coast.
I have emptied the bathroom of anything that he can get near that will hurt him. I emptied the bath and set up the heat mat last night. He hasn’t gone near the heat but is still quite active regardless. Came for his chat this morning over coffee! I was originally going to put him into a fish tank it’s just that he is so big. 7+ ft in a 2.5ft tank just doesn’t seem right.
I’m on my way out now so will get him a proper heat lamp and stop by the hardware and pick up a few things to make him a proper home. Like I said, I think my son is going to have a hard time getting him back now.
Thanks again to everyone for their advise.
That's a first for me. Keeping a snake in a bathroom. Maybe I should convert mine into an enclosure and have a tree in there too or something.

Good luck mate. Hope everything goes well..
a fully funcional living bathroom enclosure, id go rainforrest lol, steamed up rainforrest every morning would be awesome :p
*shakes head* morning coffee with a snake! certainly an interesting way to start the day. i wonder if i got a tub and put it in the shower, could i have a shower with yoda (my beardie)?
My BHP has had a dip in the spa with me. He loves it!
Bluesea you may as well buy an enclosure, you sound like your hooked anyway.
My mate keeps his 2 large pythons in his spare bedroom, they sleep on the bed and have a great old time.
I was only asking. Not that I have an issue weather he has one or not but I do belive he needs to know he should have one. Especially if he wants to get his own once his son takes this one back.
i'm sure he'll deal with that issue when it arises. who knows something might happen between now and then that might put him off of getting a snake. some of the gnarly bites i've seen on here have put me off getting one but it doesn't mean i have stopped loving them.
For now his son is away and he's asking for help so for the more experienced snake owners, do exactly! LOL
hi ya

if it was me I would build an enclosre for him. A tub wont work as the snake is too big and to get a tub big enough the heat mat wont be able to heat it and a tub on wheels doesnt work because you cant get the tub close enough to the heat mat to get it warm enough. I wouldnt use a fish tank as the fish tank is glass and it is too hard to keep the temps right.
I would build one. I am getting an enclosure built for my jungle and what we are going to do is two shelves and a abistat repti radiator. he shelves will be high up with a 15 can gap between so the snake can sit underneath or on!BwLbdEgB2k~$(KGrHqYOKkIEwQNZwOpIBMH)hMZh4w~~_12.jpg top of the radiator. I have attached two pics for ideas for you. We are having the white melamine enclosre built but with shelves like the second pic.backinenlosure.jpg

Hope this helps

You need a big enclosre for him....the trouble is the snake doesnt stink but their poo does and your bathroom will end up reeking

I would be a bit worried about the boy going missing. Then again if he is not in the bathroom, I would go straight to where ever the TV remote is!!!!
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