help please!!!!!!!

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Not so new Member
Dec 20, 2007
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hey guys i fed my coastal yesterday with a large rat probally way too big
he ate it and was fine untill thismorning andeven now looks like it is a lot of pain opening its mouth really wide and twisting its neck can some one help what should i do?//
I'd take it to a Vet, I don't know anything about snakes, but this doesn't sound right.
do es any one know if a snake can eat something too big and die or become sick?


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do es any one know if a snake can eat something too big and die or become sick?
Yes, a thread a few weeks ago someone fed to big and the snake died, needs to get to the vet asap.
if it is too big it will most likely regurgitate it, thats what it is doing, it may cause damage being in there.. not sure..
TRAVIE IF YOU OVERSIZE ,YOUR SNAKE CAN, AND TIMES ,DO DIE.................thats a fact ........if your unsure of how big ASK and if you still feel your not sure then go a bit small....and find out exactly how big you should go by experienced keepers or vets ......hope the best out come is an alive snake for your sake and your reps......
Hi Holden,

That is awful!,. I really dont know what to say other than take him to a vet as others have suggested.
Why did you feed him such big food? if in doubt better to feed smaller food, than bigger.
How long has he been trying to regurgitate it?

I really hope he is going to be ok!
hey guys
i know it was stuped
after a few suggested a vet trip i went a 2.5 hr round trip
the snake is ok with a little help from currumbin wildlife qld
lesson learnt
holden48, one thing to remember is that just because a snake can devour rather large meals, doesn't always mean that they least not in captivity. Too many people feed meals to their snakes that are way too big, with the mentality that if it was too big for the snake, then the snake wouldn't have excepted it. That's the wrong way to look at it.

I'm glad all is well for your snake now.
Happy to hear he is ok
What did they do for him?

I bet you wont go doing that again in a hurry ;)
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